Chapter 25

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As Xu Qihao had predicted, this minor ailment began to retreat after two days, and he was on the path to a full recovery. I had devoted myself to his care throughout this period, observing his complexion steadily improve. Today, after consuming some revitalizing ginseng soup and breaking into a sweat, his spirits seemed greatly restored.

With his health returning, Xu Qihao needed to bathe and change his clothes. He instructed the servants to prepare a hot bath. During these past days, he had grown accustomed to my care, so I had the servants wait outside.

Rolling up my sleeves, I stood ready to personally assist in his washing and grooming. Xu Qihao was clad in nothing but a pair of underpants, and I tenderly cleaned his back. His flawless skin and well-toned physique couldn't escape my admiration. His broad shoulders, trim waist, and every inch of him appeared meticulously sculpted.

As I wiped his lower back, his hand suddenly gripped my wrist. The steam surrounded us, making his cheeks blush slightly, and his hand felt as hot as fire. "Sanxi" he uttered, his voice strained but gentle, "You should go out for a while. Let the servants finish the rest."

At first, I believed he was considerate of my potential fatigue, so I prepared to withdraw. However, as I turned to leave, my gaze inadvertently fell downward. His underpants were already soaked, and the unmistakable bulge was concealed only by the damp fabric.

The Imperial physicians had recently examined him, diagnosing a cold, and had advised rest and restraint in matters of intimacy. He had been consuming ginseng and cordyceps for days, a combination that had significantly heightened his libido. The circumstances were beyond anyone's control.

Hence, it wasn't surprising that Xu Qihao had grown silent earlier, avoiding eye contact. I found it somewhat amusing, but I also sympathized with him for enduring such discomfort. With lowered eyes, I extended my hand through the mist, gradually making contact.

Xu Qihao released a soft gasp and turned his face slightly to meet my gaze. Blushing slightly, I pressed my face gently against his shoulder and, in a hushed tone, reassured him, "Just hold on a little longer, and it will soon be over."

Initially, my mind held no distinct thoughts, my sole intent being to alleviate his discomfort. However, the organ, despite its initial grace, showed signs of life and began to swell as I touched it. Initially, I worked through the damp fabric, but it gradually exceeded the confines. Xu Qihao's hands gently encircled my body, and his breath quickened, as if urging me to go faster, yet also as if he couldn't bear for me to leave him.

In less than the time it takes for half a stick of incense to burn, I felt a tremor in my hand, and a heady scent enveloped us. Xu Qihao's chest subtly rose and his cheeks took on a rosy hue.

Leaning against the edge of the bathtub, our bodies entwined, we took a moment to rest. His deep gaze met mine, filled with a silent understanding. Without a word, he moved closer, our noses touching, and we shared a long, passionate kiss, our desires undeniable. Just as his tongue was about to tease my lips, a sudden splash of hot water drenched us, interrupting the moment.

"You..." Xu Qihao's eyes widened in shock.

As I witnessed his surprise at the splashes, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Yet, in the very next moment, Xu Qihao retaliated by scooping water from the bucket and playfully splashing it on my face.

"Ha ha," he laughed heartily when he saw me thoroughly drenched.

Fueled by his playful spirit, I retaliated with a splash of water, and Xu Qihao showed no signs of backing down. Before long, we were fully immersed in a lively water fight, dodging and drenching each other with gleeful abandon. Our antics created quite the uproar, eventually drawing the curious gaze of the servants.

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