Chapter 21: The Dark Unknown

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   After making a break for it, we all continued to run away from the explosion at the camp. We didn't stop running until we were sure we weren't going to be followed by Lloyd and his soldiers.

  Just ahead us of in the foggy atmosphere, I could see a place where we could rest for the time being.

"Over there!!", I yell for everyone to hear. They follow me to the place I pointed to. As soon as we got there, I could better see that it was a Chinese takeout restaurant. Everyone stops to catch their breaths, Halle was still clutching onto her axe which had been splattered by Victor's blood before.

   I hope he was dead along with Marlen. That explosion seemed to have gotten her really badly. I knew Lloyd must've survived, I just prayed that he would eventually forget about us someday after escaping. I wondered to myself if the camp will still stand after what I had caused, the fires that unleashed from those gas tanks were undoubtedly intense. I was starting to think just how selfish I was to leave the rest of the innocent people back at camp to deal with the horrifying mess.

Hopefully, maybe everyone else can escape too.

"You okay?", I hear Lena say behind me.

"Yeah", I mutter.

She grabs my hand, "Let's get inside before any ferals show up"

Louis stood in front of the doors of the restaurant, "Are we here for takeout? You know come to think of it I'm getting kind of hungry"

Halle rolled her eyes, "Louis don't be stupid and just get inside!"

Louis and Brian enter first, the rest of us making sure the restaurant was free of any ferals inside before we could peacefully rest for now.

"All clear!!", Brian yells out from the kitchen. Everyone agrees as well after looking around.

"We should barricade the doors just to be safe from any monsters outside", Ella mentions.

Brian nods as he came into view, "That's a good idea"

They both grabbed any chairs and even a table that were around to barricade the doors.

"That should do it", Brian says.

Me and Lena sit down at a small table along with Halle while Louis and Brian headed back inside the kitchen to find any food they could find. Halle however was quick to get up from her chair now.

"You know what I change my mind, ain't no way I'm sitting with you lovebirds here. Rather hang out with Louis' dumbass than watch you two make out", Halle quickly gets up as she now headed towards the kitchen. "Adios!", she says far away.

"She can be so annoying sometimes", Lena says displeasenly. It took me a minute to realize the lucky rabbit's foot hanging down her neck like a sort of necklace.

I laugh a little, "I mean she does make a point". There had been plenty of times where we had shown PDA in front of our friends any time we hung out so I can see why Halle would get annoyed.

"I can't help myself when I'm around you", she admittedly says.

If it weren't for the bandages wrapped around my face, my red beaming face would've been so clear for the world to see.

She kisses the side of my face, "Feels like you're burning up, you okay?"

I laugh, "I'm okay, trust me"

She grabs for my hand, "How far away do you think the beach is right now?"

I take in her question, wondering myself. It could be miles away for all I knew, but realistically speaking, we could probably get there in a day at most.

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