Chapter 6: Bingo!

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After the Grocery Outlet incident, we decided to rest in a small neighborhood street that Noelle had parked in. It was quiet and still, so nothing happened during the night thankfully.

The next following morning, I woke up to the sun shining on my face through the window. It wasn't cloudy anymore, bummer. I look over a seat next to me to see Dani still asleep. I got up from my seat and walked towards Noelle who was just sitting on the drivers seat, staring outside the front windows.

Does she ever blink?

"Where to now Miss Bus driver?", I say with a smile.

She glares at me, her eyeliner still looking sharp,  not saying anything.

"Geez I'm only joking, you don't gotta look at me like that"

She gets up from her seat, now standing in front of me. "How the hell can you joke like this after what we've experienced yesterday!!", she yells out. "So many people have DIED"

That's the first Ive ever heard her voice go in such a high loud volume, she was always so serious and kept her voice tone calm, so this made me jump a little.

"Yea I know people have died, but what the fuck do you want me to do about that huh? I'm just trying to survive out here just like you. Me and you are no different!!", I yell back. We stared at each other for a few seconds, Noelle then rolling her eyes as she sits back down on her seat. We both don't say anything to each other for a while.

Awkward silence. Just end me at this point.

  Sitting from a row behind Dani, I looked out my window and spotted a few sickos treading into the neighborhood, toward our bus. I whistled over to Noelle to get her attention, looking to where I pointed to outside. She noticed. She sighs, then started the bus to get us the hell out of here. We move out of there in no time before more sickos began to emerge onto the street. I move over to a free seat next to Dani now that she was awake, all thanks to who.

She looks at me with tired eyes, "What was that all about?", she asks.


"You two yelling", she yawns.

"Oh, I don't know, she has a stick up her ass though that's for sure, but for a good valid reason"

"What?", Dani begins to laugh, covering her mouth.

I look over to the front bus rearview mirror to see Noelle just rolling her eyes again like she always does. She definitely heard me but I don't give a fuck.

"I think she's mad", I say.

"Yea no kidding", Dani says while still giggling a bit. It put a smile to my face to see her loosen up like this even after everything that's happened. It made me feel a little better about everything.

The bus stops, we look out to see where Noelle had us parked in. Another grocery store parking lot I'm assuming. This didn't really look like a regular grocery store though, more like an all store in general, meaning there could be some clothes here to change into. Maybe even guns as well.

"We here to shop for more food?", I call over.

"Food, weapons, clothes, anything we need", Noelle says. "We didn't get much inside from the kart Matt brought, we had to leave all the rest of the supplies outside because of the herd remember?"

That's true. All they could bring in was cereal, chips, and a pack of toilet paper. I couldn't help but laugh when I realized that's all we had. I grabbed the pack of toilet paper. "How is this gonna help us fight against those creeps. We're not here to wipe their ass".

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