Chapter 1: If Only The Whole World Could Burn

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April 9, 2018 7:40 AM

The alarm goes off, so I slowly rise up from bed. Time for school, yay. I go to the bathroom to get ready, I put on my clothes and brush my black hair. Right when I finish getting ready, I head downstairs to the kitchen where I can smell the eggs that my mom must be cooking. I barely eat breakfast in the mornings because of how nauseous I feel just by smelling it.

"Mom I'm leaving for school now!", my Mom barely looks at me as I leave the house.

I'm used to her never batting an eye on me most days now, that's just how Mom has always been with me ever since my little brother Jaimie passed away when I was seven years old. My Mom and Dad got divorced when I turned nine, Dad still visits me time from time when he's not busy gambling with his stupid friends and getting wasted on the weekends. Other than that though, I find my Dad to be pretty cool and is the most funniest person in my life. On my thirteenth birthday, he gave me a gun as a gift which my mom scolded him for. He didn't give me anything for my sixteenth birthday a few months ago. He told me he had some important "errands" to take care of and couldn't be there which I knew was bullshit, but I know the kind of person Dad is so I didn't care.

He was always there for me or at least tried to be, especially during the time I decided to come out to both my parents which made Mom hate me even more but Dad never seemed to care. I feel like I've always known that I like girls even at a young age. I used to watch this cartoon all the time when I was around eleven-twelve called Teen Titans, my favorite character was Starfire. I had a huge crush on her as a kid believe it or not. Dad took me out to drink at a bar to celebrate me coming out even though I was only fifteen last year, my Dad is honestly a bit unhinged.

I live in a pretty small neighborhood here in Seattle, walking to school isn't usually that far for me.

8:05 AM

I arrive at school, the worst place on earth. I have Math first period which is the worst to have so early in the morning. As I walk in the halls, I notice Melissa and her group of friends staring at me as I walked. Melissa and I used to actually be pretty close friends last year, we got closer at some point and even made out with each other everyday in the school restroom during lunch. Our "relationship" didn't last that long, due to the fact that Melissa just didn't want to be seen with me anymore or have her friends know about us which hurt me a bit to hear her say that, but I eventually moved on from her months later.

I make it to my Math class and wait for Ms. Trainor to start her usual boring teaching. Math is one of the classes I'm failing right now, only because I haven't been making it to class on time in the mornings since I usually sleep in a lot. I'm also failing History, English, Environmental Science, and Culinary. The only class I'm managing to pass is Ceramics which I have a C in. I'm not failing because I'm bad at these subjects by the way, It's just that I can be the most laziest person on earth and not to mention I also work outside of school at a crappy convenience store not that far from this shithole.

Ms. Trainor begins teaching, I take notes to everything she writes up on the board for us to take. First time in months I've actually wrote notes in this class since I'm barely ever here. I can't wait for summer to get here so I can leave this hell.

11:15 AM

Lunch begins, Math, English and Ceramics class are finally over. I go over to sit with my group of "friends" outside on a bench table next to the cafeteria. I guess I wouldn't really call them my friends since we all only talk to each other about class work and sometimes talk about school drama, nothing else.

"Hey Julia did you understand anything about that essay we have to write this week?", says Courtney.

"How many times do I have to tell you it's Juliet not Julia",

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