Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

"Right, right. You're right. Look, I don't really care who comes as long as I have some additional backup since Lord Hercules will be coming as well but I need the additional backup to get here soon. Or even today if possible. That little girl doesn't have time for us to muck around."

"...I'll send Lance. As much as I'd love to help, you're right Cass. I've got a kingdom to take care of and a pregnant wife to look after along with three young daughters. They don't need me gallivanting on a rescue mission."

"I get it, sometimes you need to be a parent first. I'm sure Lance will act just as well in your stead...even if I'll miss the chance to see you Tiger," Cassandra said softly.

"I'll miss you too Dragon Lady but Lance will be there," Eugene promised. "Sounds like that little girl doesn't have time for us to wait."

"Thanks've gone a long way in getting yourself into someone's good books. And believe me, on the Isle, that means something."

"I'm not doing it to get into anyone's good books. I'm doing it because, as a father, I'd want the same to be done for my girls if it was needed."

"I know...but it doesn't change the fact that you're in the good books. I'll keep an eye out for Lance after I see Queen Ariel off."

"Right, okay. I'm just going to ignore the fact that Blondie never mentioned the fact that Ariel was on the Isle."

"Yeah, you never heard that."

"No, I did not hear that."

"Good. Well you guys...I send my love, give the kids a kiss and tell them...tell them maybe I'll see them one day."

"Of course Cass, I'm sure we'll see each other again." Rapunzel said. "I have no doubt of that. can come off the Isle any time you know?"

"Thanks Raps but...I can't. I have a reason to stay now."

"Well, maybe some day that reason and you can come to Corona," Rapunzel told her.

Cassandra couldn't help but smile at that. "I hope so...but I'd better get off the phone. No sense in tying up the line so Lance can't be called."

"Right, right...Lance will be there soon."

"Rodger that. Talk soon."

Cassandra hung up the phone and looked over at Ariel. "Lance is on his way."

"Oh thank Gods," Ariel sighed in relief.

"Agreed," Cassandra nodded. "And now you, your highness, should really go—."

"Back to the Underworld? You're absolutely right Cassandra, it's my responsibility to be there both as a Queen and as a cousin. I need to make sure that little girl gets home safely and I told my uncle I'd help them get her back so I'm not going to swim on home and leave the work to you," Ariel nodded and Cassandra shook her head. Their High Queen was a stubborn one that was certain.

"Besides...there's more that I need to talk to Uncle Hades about," Ariel said softly. "Specifically the Isle and while I could use the Olympian mind link to talk to him from my home, I'd rather give him the courtesy of talking to him face to face. Which I will do after Lance gets here."

"Fine, fine," Cassandra said with a small sigh; more than a little amazed that Captain Hook hadn't said anything all the while they were calling for backup. "But fix your hood, your hair's starting to show and no offense your highness but you have extremely recognizable hair."

Ariel nodded and quickly adjusted her hood so that all of her vibrant red hair was tucked away. Cassandra couldn't help but sigh in relief. Now they just had to wait.

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