Chapter 37

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You received a message about an hour later from Thrawn telling you he was going to leave the ship on a shuttle to go aboard Grand Moff Tarkin's star destroyer; that there is a meeting with Tarkin, Admiral Konstantine, and Governor Price of Lothal; that you were invited to join the meeting; and if you wish to join to meet him in the Chimaera's hangar bay in 30 minutes.

You considered for a moment not going and just staying in your room, but didn't want Thrawn to think you were avoiding your problems. Although that is exactly what you wanted to be doing. So 30 minutes later you were standing in the hangar waiting for Thrawn to arrive so you could board a shuttle and head off. You hadn't been sure exactly what to wear for the occasion and had decided to just continue wearing the borrowed military clothes, instead of the dress you had arrived in.  

Thrawn strode through the blast doors across the hanger and it took him several moments to make it over to you and the shuttle. He paused in front of you for a moment and bowed his head. "Your highness." He acknowledged you briefly and then turned on his heel as if he couldn't be bothered to waste his time and boarded the shuttle. You gritted your teeth and followed, choosing the seat directly across from him. You could understand him being disappointed with you, but to be dismissed by him seemed to sting you more.  

The two of you were alone in the back of the shuttle. You thoroughly studying Thrawn, Thrawn thoroughly studying his datapad. You couldn't take it anymore and decided to break the silence. "What is it you want me to do?"

He glanced up at you and then back down at his datapad. "It doesn't matter what I want. Only what you want."

You were quiet for another few moments before speaking again. "You want me to want what you want."

Thrawn huffed a sigh and turned off his datapad, set it in the seat next to him and leaned back in his seat, raising his head to meet your stare. "No. I want you to want something. I cannot respect someone who has no loyalty to anything. I'd even prefer it if you were secretly a rebel, because at least you would be working towards something bigger than yourself. I have no use for apathy. It doesn't do me any good to put time and effort into someone who simply will not care enough to do anything with what they learn. It doesn't do the empire any good to have a leader who doesn't care. And it most certainly doesn't do you any good to remain apathetic. Until you decide what you want, you gain nothing and risk losing what you have. If you put off deciding to care about your duty as heir to this empire for too long you will be too late and it may be gone."

He paused, giving you the opportunity to say something... anything. You didn't, and he continued. "I won't say this to anyone else, but I believe this rebel situation on Lothal the be part of a much bigger problem. It is a real threat to the stability of the empire and it is not somthing we can afford to let grow. You could be a powerful ally in this and any future political engagements and you have yet to even make any moves to meet or make allies in the senate or otherwise."

You let his words wash over you, trying to ignore the sting of truth in them, but also keeping to your promise not to react angrily at him again. He wasn't finished talking. "If you do not wish to aid me, then fine. I do not need you to be an ally. I will keep to my word and marry you. I will do my best to shield you from anything that may, or may not, happen in the future. But if you will not work with me then please leave me to do it on my own... Uninterrupted..." He stopped again and picked his datapad up again, turning it back on and studying it once more. Then added without looking up and as an after thought, a gentler tone to his voice, "Though you may tell me if you change your mind."

After the most words you'd ever heard Thrawn say all at once the both of you sat in silence. And it only took a few more silent awkward minutes to board Moff Tarkin's ship.

The shuttle landed and Thrawn stood. You stood next to him and the ramp lowered to the ground. There were 2 squads of stormtroopers standing at attention in the Hangar and Governor Price sanding in the middle ready to greet Thrawn. He strode down the ramp and you followed a step behind him. 

You hated her the moment she opened her mouth and you heard those first words out of it in thick coruscanti accent. "Grand Admiral Thrawn. Lovely to see you again! My formal congradulations on your recent promotion." She smirked like it was some sort of inside joke. Which to her it might be. You'd read the reports about the battle of Batonn and you knew that she was somehow responsible for the deaths of hundreds of civilians. Though nothing provable.

She either didnt notice you or had no idea who you were because she completely ignored you. and turned, gesturing Thrawn to follow her. Thrawn interrupted her. "Allow me to introduce the Princess. My Fiance." He gestured to you as Price whipped back around fast enough that you think surely her neck must hurt. 

"Oh of course!" She instantly plastered on a smile that you assumed was supposed to instill some sort of feeling of camraderie between the two of you. She gave a graceful half bow and said, her voice dripping sacharine honey, "Lovely to meet you, Your Highness!"

"Welcome aboard! What a treat to have the opportunity to meet you outside of the Imperial Palace!"

You were very much wishing you had decided to stay aboard the Chimaera. And before you could stop yourself you heard youre mouth saying words you had not approved. "Oh of course!" you echoed her ton of voice, "Its such a pleasure to meet you as well! Miss Price? Is it?..." you asked as if you didn't know her real title of Governor.

You saw her face contort for a moment before she snapped her facade back into picture perfect place, and said a strangled, "It's governor actually. But yes... The pleasure is all mine, I'm sure."

You smiled, and gestured for her to once again lead the way.

Author's note: MC has got some pretty deep thinking to do... And Ahrinda Price has arrived on scene. I hate her guts. 

Anyways as always, please enjoy, and let me know what you think. 

Love ya besties! <3<3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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