Chapter 27

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You threw on your dress from the day before, now wrinkled, and rushed to the door. You paused before opening it and ran your fingers through your hair and tried to look at least mildly presentable for a princess, and opened the door. 

There was a woman waiting patiently on the other side of it when it opened. She was in her dress uniform, drab green like everyone else aboard the Chimaera. The patch over her left breast indicated she was a lowly ensign. Probably someone who was easy to replace in a lower level position. To be quite honest her uniform looked seldom used. 

The woman saluted you stiffly and you could see the tell tale signs of dirt under her fingernails. Her hands looked a bit raw and red, as if she had recently attempted to clean them, relatively unsuccessfully you noted. This all indicated the ensign was some sort of maintenance worker. But that didn't bother you, although you prided yourself in noticing those things. 

"Ensign DeKari reporting for duty Your Highness."

"You're right on time Ensign." you said, though you hadn't bothered looking at the clock to check. She had put a lot of effort into her appearance and seemed quite nervous, you had no doubt that she was on time. She had probably been there early and stood outside the door waiting to knock right at five. You motioned for her to relax, and she dropped from attention into "at ease." Feet shoulder width apart, and hands held behind the back. 

You laughed and gave her a small smile, "Seriously, you can relax. I promise I won't bite your head off. You're so stiff you're beginning to remind me of the Admiral." The woman relaxed her shoulders a bit and shuffled her feet, and you decided to just rush on with the conversation and hopefully she would get more comfortable with you as you went along. "The first thing I wanted to do was find some clothes to wear. The only thing I have right now is this dress and if I'm going to be on board for a while, I would like to be able to change every once in a while," you huffed a small laugh at your own joke. 

"Of course Your Highness. I can bring some up for you if you tell me what you would like." 

You waved her off, "Oh, I'd like to see what the options are, it's no trouble if I come with you is it?" you asked.

"N-no ma'am." DeKari stumbled a bit over her answer. That's probably not what she was expecting you to say. "It's no trouble at all. I will accommodate you with whatever you need." 

"Alright then," you said cheerily, "Just let me throw on my shoes." You left the door open and ran back to the bed where your flats rested on the floor. You slid your shoes on quickly before walking back towards the door and closing it behind you. "Where to then?"

You followed Ensign DeKari for about 15 minutes when you finally arrived at an area of the ship labeled Laundry. DeKari led you into a small room that was lined with shelves.

There really weren't many options to choose from. This was a military vessel after all, and not usually home to civilians. You made do though. You chose a pair of green dress pants, a white tank top, and a white dress shirt to go over that. You also grabbed a pair of dress boots that were your size and a black jacket for when you got cold. You also grabbed a set of standard issue exercise clothes and the shoes in your size that went with them. 

After you had made your selection you turned back to DeKari, your arms full. She jumped forward to help you and you handed her half of the pile. She gave you a strange look. She had probably expected you to dump everything on her like most dignitaries would. You spoke up quickly, "I'd like to maybe get in some exercise and then wash up before we meet Thrawn on the Bridge, could you show me the way to the gym closest to my quarters please?"

"Of course Ma'am." You noticed she had stopped using your proper title, but if you had to choose between the two, you preferred the less formal one, so you didn't bring it up. "Right back the way we came." She led you back towards what you assumed was the way you had come, though you still couldn't really tell. Everything still looked the same to you. About 15 more minutes and you were walking through the door of a gym. There were a few people already in there but you had already walked in so you decided to get over the fact that it wasn't private. This is a Star Destroyer, you reminded yourself, you are just going to have to get used to not being alone. 

You sucked in a breath and headed for the changing room, DeKari trailing behind you. You changed into the exercise cloths, drab green shorts and black tank top with light running shoes, and you came back out to where DeKari was standing. "Would you be able to bring the rest of this and my dress back to my room? I'll go back there to wash up after I'm done."

"Yes Ma'am." She said, taking the wrinkled dress and the flats from your hands before turning and leaving briskly. You sighed and walked over to a treadmill. Then you got yourself set up and started running. 

You'd been going for a while when you realized that Ensign DeKari hadn't come back yet. You were beginning to get nervous that you would have top find your way back to your rooms by yourself when she walked back in carrying something. She scanned the room, found you and walked over. You slowed the treadmill to a stop and stepped off for a minute, breathing heavily from the exertion. 

DeKari handed you what she had carried in. It was a flask of water. You hadn't realized how thirst you were until she handed it to you. "You're an angel!" You gasped breathlessly before drinking greedily.

DeKari loosed a slight smile before seeming to reign herself in and going over to sit on a bench while she waited for you. You finished your short break before getting back on the treadmill and completing your short run. A few minutes later you were drinking the rest of your water and following DeKari back to your quarters for a quick shower.

Author's note: Thrawn doesn't make an appearance in this one, but I really wanted to show you getting more familiar with the ship. While you still cant find your way alone, you are getting to move through it without Thrawn's help at the very least. Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Comment and let me know what you think! Love You BYE! <3

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