Chapter 6

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You heard a familiar voice call out from through the blast doors. It was calm and collected. Almost icy. But not just normal ice. The kind of ice that is from the deep end and is dangerously thin. "It would appear we are at an impasse Mr. Gerrera." he paused for a beat. "Would you be willing to parley?"

You were flung off of, apparently Mr. Gerrera's, shoulder, and into another corner formed by the wall and a beam. Your back slammed into a ridge on the cold metal smashing hard onto a bruise that must have been forming from earlier when you had hit the bed. The pain radiated another burst of clarity through the fog in your mind, your eyes flitting open a bit as you struggled to see what was going on. Your head lolled to the side as you struggled, and you you could blearily make out the green armor of Gerrera's chest plate hovering close to your face as he crouched behind you next to the wall in the relative safety of the small corner.

Gerrera shouted back in a commanding voice, "Why would I do that when I clearly have the upper hand here? No! You let us go or we will kill the girl!"

"And I have no doubt that you will still kill her as soon as you deem yourself safely away. No, Gerrera. I will not let you escape with her." 

"You can't stop me! Any move to rescue her will result in her death. Let us go and she is the only one who gets hurt. Save the lives of your men!" Gerrera called back quickly.

"If I let you take her," Thrawn replied calmly, "she will surly die. But if I intervene, there is still a chance I could overpower you before you have the chance to eliminate her. I would rather a small chance, than no chance at all."

"Just disable the tractor beams." Your captor shouted back angrily. "Do it or I'll kill her right now!"

If you had the ability to move you would have kicked out at Gerrera and made a mad dash for the safety of the bridge, but all you managed to accomplish was to shift your arms and legs a bit. You tried to look around the corner but the weight of your head was to much for your drugged muscles to handle and your head fell to rest on your shoulder. All this talk of killing you had increased your heart rate, and your breathing was coming in short panicky gasps.

You didn't want to die. And as far as you knew you had never done anything to deserve it. 

"Very well." Came the Admiral's reply. "The tractor beams have been disengaged."

"Good! Anything happens that I perceive to be a threat to me or my men, the girl dies." Gerrera picked you up again as he stood. This time he didn't throw you over his shoulder. He wrapped his left arm around your torso, pinning your arms to your sides. Your hands were still in bound in front of you and the pressure on your wrists was excruciating and cut through the fog again. A whimper of pain escaped your lips before the haze returned. 

Your chin fell to your chest, and Gerrera dug the tip of his blaster into the side of your neck. He stepped out into the middle of the hall facing towards the bridge. You were trying to get a better view of your surroundings but your vision was fuzzy. You were slowly blinking and you could just make out Grand Admiral Thrawn standing next to several Stormtroopers on the bridge. Though the picture was mostly just a haze of blue and white. 

You tried to loosen Gerrera's grip on you by pushing your arms forward, but it was no use. You probably wouldn't be able to overpower him on a good day, much less while you were under the influence of an unknown drug. Though you apparently had pushed hard enough that Gerrera had noticed you efforts. He pushed the blaster harder into your neck. 

And though it had hurt it again cut through the fog in your brain, your vision cleared for a moment and you took in the situation around you much clearer. Gerrera's team were all beginning to shuffle slowly away, with their weapons wearily trained on their enemy. Thrawn's eyes were burning a phosphorescent red. They hadn't been doing that earlier you noted. He must be angry. 

And then the pain dissipated and your clarity was gone. Gerrera walked backwards a few paces and then turned a corner into a different corridor, breaking the sight line. He threw you back over his shoulder, the armor once again digging into your hip. The pain sent you another flash of clarity, but it was gone just as fast.

The small group of rebels began to run. With every stride the armor digging into you. Every stab of pain followed by a flash of clarity. You assumed the rebels to be headed towards the Hangar bay so they could re-board their ship and escape, and several moments later your assumptions proved correct. 

The room opened up, though you hadn't yet seen the ship, as you were facing away from it. you looked up to see if there was anyone else in the room, but it had been deserted. Then you saw a flash of grey enter the room from the same entrance you had just been brought through, and just as quickly disappear into a shadow. You honestly weren't sure you had even seen anything. But when it re-appeared and motioned for you to come, you knew this was going to be your only chance to escape.

You threw your weight, as best you could, to the side. Effectively rolling off of Gerrera's shoulder. You hadn't moved yet, and he hadn't been expecting you to struggle, so you succeeded in landing hard on the floor. You were able to roll a couple more steps away from the man before a large amount of the pain from the landing had worn off and your mind practically shut down on you again. Your body went lax as Gerrera made to move towards you.

Then he was suddenly pinned down by a barrage of blaster fire as the room erupted. Every blast door opened and squads of Stormtroopers flooded into the room. Several of them fell to the Rebels return fire, but the Rebels were enormously out-manned. 

You were too out of it to know what was going on, though you did realize that you were in a lot of danger. You weren't safely behind anything, and Gerrera or one of his men could shoot you at any time. You had finally come to this delayed realization when your cloudy vision was filled with white, and you were quickly pulled behind a shipping container. You flinched as something stabbed your neck and then your vision began to clear again. 

The binders were disengaged and your awareness flooded back to you. You were leaning against the shipping container and Thrawn was crouching beside you brandishing a blaster. Then the pain hit you. 

The drugs must have insulated you from most of the pain you had been in, only clearing when something strong enough cut through it. You must have broken several ribs when you had hit the bed, and your hip was at the very least deeply bruised. And not to mention the entire right side of your body where you had landed when you threw yourself off of Gerrera's shoulder only moments before. 

You grit your teeth and sucked in a breath, hoping you wouldn't embarrass yourself, but the pressure on your ribs from your lungs expanding was too much and you fell forwards, moaning.

Thrawn's left arm snapped out and caught you around your shoulders, keeping you from hitting the floor again. Your head fell onto his bicep, and your hand came up and gripped it as well. He leaned out from your position and fired a few shots at the escaping rebels. 

Something exploded and you could barely make out a scream of pain above the sounds of chaos. A few moments later the Rebel ship shot out of the Hangar bay and escaped. The blaster fire ceased all at once and the Stormtroopers began clearing the deck making sure there weren't anymore rebels hiding among the shipping containers.

Author's Note: Hey Y'all! I always struggle with writing actions scenes so I hope these last few chapters don't fall too flat. Feel free to leave me some feedback, I always love to hear from you guys! <3

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