Chapter 24

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You and Thrawn at for a moment in silence, when an ensign rushed over to the table, threw himself to attention, bowed to you, saluted Thrawn, and said, "You have an incoming transmission from Moff Tarkin, Sir." 

Thrawn looked up at him and gave him a curt nod. "I will be there momentarily," he said, and then dismissed him with a wave. The ensign rushed away. Thrawn looked back to you apologetically. "I should not be long, I will come find you after the meeting is over." 

"Okay." you said with a small smile. You guessed you would have to get used to this. His job was going to have him constantly busy and running around doing things for other people. Thrawn stood, moving to lift his partially finished tray. You stopped him, "Don't worry about that. I'll get it for you when I'm done." Thrawn nodded and walked off quickly, back stiff and heels clicking, as always.

Now you were alone in the room. Everybody else had finished their meals and left while you and Thrawn had been eating. You rested your elbow on the table, slouching forward a bit as you relaxed in the solitude. You liked being alone sometimes, and this was the first time you had felt truly alone since... well... since everything. You finished your food slowly, trying to stretch the time out a bit, and soak up as much of this feeling as you could. You hadn't really realized how much you missed the feeling of freedom that you had before you became a princess. I mean, yeah you didn't have any food, or a place to sleep that was safe, but at least you hadn't had to worry about being proper. It was more exhausting than you had realized.

You weren't really sure where to go after you were done eating, so you decided just to stay where you were. For one thing you were sure to get lost quickly, you weren't very familiar with star destroyers yet and you didn't want to be embarrassed or interrupt anybody who was trying to do their jobs. After a while you went and dumped the trays off and set them in their places. 

Then after a bit more waiting you decided to get a cup of caff. They didn't have any fancy flavorings like you got at the palace, but you really didn't mind, you were mostly drinking it to look like you were actually doing something. And besides that, black caff is not the strongest thing you had ever had to drink. You hadn't had it in a while, but you could definitely hold down your Corellian brandy. 

It was probably another 30 minutes before Thrawn came back. You caff was gone and you were slouched forward, propping your chin up with your hand and fiddling with the paper cup. Your back was to the door, but as soon as you heard it opening you straightened up, putting your cup down on the table. You turned to face Thrawn with a small smile but he didn't walk over to you. He motioned to you with his hand to follow him. 

You threw your cup in the bin on the way by and joined him in the hall. "We need to discuss something in my office." He said stiffly. 

"Alright." you said, walking quickly to keep up with his long strides. It only took a couple minutes to ride the turbo-lift up to the bridge level, and walk the short distance to Thrawn's office. Thrawn lifted his code cylinder out of his breast pocket and used it to  unlock the door. He walked in and you followed right behind. The room was mostly empty except for a large desk, a few empty shelves, and a large display window behind the desk that looked like two reptiles next to what might have been a planet.

Thrawn quickly sat down in his chair behind the desk and you sat down in one of the chairs facing him that were set up for guests. "So what's so important that we have to talk about it in your office?" you asked once you had sat down.

"I'm being sent on a mission, along with the seventh fleet. There is a band of rebels that has become troublesome in the Lothal system and I have been personally requested by the Governor to deal with them." 

Suddenly you felt the ship give a lurch before settling back down. There were no windows in the room but you guessed that was the ship entering hyperspace. "You're leaving now? I thought you were going to bring me home before you went anywhere?" 

"That was my plan," Thrawn said, "but Moff Tarkin said this was urgent and already got permission from the Emperor to have me leave immediately, with you on board. He told me the Emperor wants you to get some experience with the inner workings of the military."

You thought for a minute. You supposed it would be a good idea to become familiar with how things worked, and it would probably be easier to learn that in person rather than reading about it in a lesson. "Okay," you nodded your head, deciding to just take this is stride. So far you were enjoying being on the Chimaera, it was more private. You were determined to make the best of the situation.  "So do I just follow you around and watch everything then? How does this work?" 

Thrawn gave you a curt nod. "Mostly, yes. However if you think you have an insight or notice something that no-one else has yet voiced feel free to speak when the proper opportunity presents itself." 

You huffed out a small laugh. "I doubt I'll have anything to say, but alright."

Thrawn spoke again, his face looking a bit grim. Or, you thought, did it just look that way because the office light was so dim? "For the record, I do not think it is a good idea for you to come along."

So it wasn't just the lighting then. Your face fell a bit. "I- I'll try to stay out of your way." 

Thrawn's eyes narrowed a bit and he sighed, "That is not what I am concerned about. I am concerned that I am now bringing you to the front lines of a war that you do not know how to fight. And while it is slim, there is always a chance that the Rebels could board the ship again. I would not want you to be here through it, that is all."

"Oh." you said, thinking again. He doesn't mind you being here, he just doesn't want you to get hurt again. "You are right, I don't know how to fight, but maybe you could teach me how?"

Author's note: Here's chapter 24 Ya'll. Its been a while in coming, but finally here. It took me a while to decide on a realistic way for you to get stuck on the Chimaera again. Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoyed it! Hit me with all of your comments, I love them! Love you bye!

 P.S.    A_Random_Chiss, now you might actually get that chance to unsuccessfully attempt to drop kick Thrawn. :D Lol

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