Chapter 14

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You woke up when the old fashioned drapes over your floor to ceiling windows were flung open. You squinted your eyes at the intrusion of light, and you were greeted by a cheery, "Good morning Your highness!" from Lilit. 

"I feel like I've only been asleep for 15 minutes." you groaned, your eyes slowly adjusting to the daylight. You sat up on your elbows and were surprised when Lilit sat down on the edge of your bed and excitedly handed you a datapad. 

"Read this article! It's headlining all over the Galaxy!" she practically squealed. 

"What?" you sat up all the way, curiosity filling you. You quickly thumbed on the datapad, and the first thing you saw was a picture, and your eyes flew open wide, shocked. It was actually a very well taken picture. The edges were framed with an ornate archway, but it was far enough in the background that the architecture wasn't what grabbed the attention.

No the focus of the picture was you. Well actually, it was you and Thrawn. Someone had been able to snatch a picture while the two of you had been dancing. The two of you seemed to be gazing longingly into each other's eyes. And though you knew that that wasn't really  the case, You have to admit it is what it looked like. "It would appear that the entire galaxy thinks us to be madly in love..." you said after you finally read the headline.

"Was it as romantic as it looked?!" Lilit asked basically bouncing up and down in excitement. Her mood was beginning to rub off on you. You couldn't help the smile that suddenly appeared on your face, along with a bit of an embarrassed blush.

"Well," you paused, "I guess it kinda was." you shrugged a bit.

Lilit giggled behind her hands, and then bounced up. "We best get you on with your day. I've actually received a lot of paperwork, containing a list of things that you need to do before your wedding. Which according to the paperwork the wedding has been scheduled for 3 months from now. Though there hasn't been an exact date set quite yet."

"Three months?!" you exclaimed. "That's very soon..." 

"I suppose it is, but normally when someone gets married they have to do most of the work themselves. But you have an entire castle to do everything for you. Really most of the waiting time is just so all the important officials will be able to fit the event into their busy schedules. We could probably have the wedding ready in 3 days otherwise."

"I guess I've never really thought about anything like this." you shrugged again, your confident decision from the night before faltering for a moment at realizing again that this wasn't a dream, and you really were getting married to a man that you really didn't know at all. 

That's when you came to a second decision. If this was really going to happen, you were going to make sure you at least knew the man better before you had to say your vows. You wanted to know what was going to be expected of you. You wanted to have those conversations with Thrawn. You wanted to come as close to knowing what you were getting in to as you could before you were actually in it.

He seemed nice enough so far, but he was hard to read. You needed to know if this was going to be a bad situation that you were stuck in, or at least a decent one that you were stuck in. 

"Lilit," you interrupted whatever it was she had been saying, she had at some point during your thoughts continued on with what you were supposed to be doing for the day, "-is there anything on that list about meeting with Thrawn?" 

"Huh-" she scanned the list, "uh, no. It doesn't look like it..."

"Well, if it can be arranged, I would like to meet with him regularly. I want to get to know him better before the wedding. At least once a week, if not more. Do you think I would be able to set that up?"

"Probably." she shrugged. "You are kind-of allowed to do whatever you want."

"Okay then," you said decisively, "get me his com number as soon as you can. I want to send him a message."


-Encrypted Transmission: --/-437564-38-539872-23

'Grand Admiral Thrawn,

I'm sure you realize the awkwardness of the situation that we now find ourselves in. I Was wondering if you would be able to meet with me sometime soon. I would like to get to know you better if I am apparently marrying you. Message me back at your earliest convenience.'

-End Transmission-


-Encrypted Transmission: --/-459872-78-892303-90

'Your Highness,

I will be available to meet you at the palace 3 days from now. 


-End Transmission-


He messaged you back only 5 hours after you had sent the message. He must have responded as soon as he got it, depending on how far from Coruscant he had already traveled. It irked you how short his response had been. You realized that there really wasn't more to say, but for some reason you wished he had said a bit more. What he had said didn't give you much to go off of. He was as unreadable through written word as he was through spoken word.

You facepalmed. This meeting was going to be awkward as hell.

Author's note: Here's another chapter my dedicated little readers :D There are a few of you who have been reading them almost as soon as I post them :'D Love you sooooo much!!!!!!!! 

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