Happy Halloween!!

En başından başla

Moon chuckled at how quickly Suns mood changed and nodded, they both cuddled for the rest of the night, while Sun slept peacefully, Moon couldn't help but worry about Sun.

_Timeskip... The day before Halloween hihi_

Sun and Moon were sitting on the ground in their room, Moon was drawing in his sketchbook and Sun was looking over his shoulder, eating some of the cookies Chica and him baked and feeding Moon some aswell.
Moon looked at Sun who was very happy, cuddling with Moon like this but Moon just couldn't stop thinking about why Sun was upset.
Sun knew Moon was worried and constantly tried telling him nothing was wrong but Moon couldn't stop worrying.

"Sun... Please just tell me what's wrong? Was it something I did?"
-"No it's fine, don't worry please.."

Moon put his sketchbook next to him and looked at Sun who just looked away embarrassed.
-"I'll.. I'll tell you tomorrow okay? Well, I'll show you tomorrow okay? Let's just forget about this for now okay?"
"Okay, if you promise me to show me tomorrow?"
-"I promise! Now continue drawing!!"

Moon chuckled as Sun cuddled close to him again and continued eating the cookies.
Moon took his sketchbook again and continued what he was drawing.
He was a little worried about Sun not immediately telling him but he figured Sun was embarrassed or needed time to think about how to tell him.

They stayed like this for another 2 hours, when Sun fell asleep Moon put him on the bed and continued drawing on the ground for another hour until he eventually went to bed too, holding Sun all night.

Moon woke up when he heard screaming children.
He sighed and sat up, looking around the room and the parts of the playarea he could see, the playareas light was usually very bright but not today, only a few lights were on, keeping the playarea alot darker than usual.
Moon grinned to himself, with his nightvision he could easily scare the children and wouldn't even get punished for it.

Moon was about to get off the bed when he saw some weird clothing next to him with a note attached to it.
He took the note and instantly knew Sun wrote the note, he did want to tell Moon why he was upset.

"I got us some costumes for Halloween but I heard you telling Chica you don't like costumes so I didn't want to bother you with that idea.
I'm wearing my costume for the children but since you don't want to see the children today anyway I just didn't want to even mention it.
I'm sorry :("

Moons eyes widened almost instantly, in his head he was cursing himself out, he should've known Sun was gonna have an idea like this.
He looked at the costume, it was a bat costume and when he looked at Sun, who was a vampire it made alot of sense.
Moon looked at Sun playing with the children, pretending to be a vampire while the children pretended to be whatever costume they had on and sighed.

Sun was sitting on the ground with a few children, when suddenly he heard a child scream.
He quickly excused himself and went over to the naptime area when suddenly the child who screamed ran into his arms and refused to let go.
"Now, Now little friend what happened?"
-"There was a scary monster in there!"
"What do you mean?"
-"I-I don't know!! It was scary!"
"How about you go back to the others and I'll go check?"

The child nodded and ran towards their friends and Sun hesitantly went inside the Naptime area.
He heard a chuckle from behind a curtain and took a deep breath.
He slowly went closer and closer, he felt like time stopped.
Suddenly he was picked up from behind and being spun around.
Sun screamed but suddenly heard familiar laughter behind him and instantly knew it was Moon.
Moon held him for another few seconds and put him down again, his hands on Suns hips and his chin resting on Suns shoulder.

Sun rolled his eyes and went back to the playarea, not even looking at Moon who was still laughing.
Sun tried telling the children to not go near the naptime area anymore, but of course the kids didn't listen.
Sun just jokingly rolled his eyes as some of the children kept going to the Naptime area, getting Jumpscared by Moon everytime they did.

Sun was sitting on the ground again, playing with a few children who actually listened to Suns warning.

"Mr. Sun?"
-"Yes little friend?"
"Do you know where my bag of candy is? it was on the Arts '& Crafts table while I was drawing but it's not there anymore."
-"Oh no, maybe you left it somewhere else? How does the bag look like, maybe I'll see it?"
"It's in an orange bag with hearts on it!"
-"Okay, I'll make sure to tell you if I find it!"
~"Mr. Sun!! Can you tell me if you find my candy bag?? It's in a red bag with a cat face on it!"
-"Of course! I'll make sure to try and find those!"
The two children happily smiled at Sun and went back to their previous activitys and so did Sun but suddenly another child told him their candy bag was gone too, it was a green one with blue letters on it and Sun promised to search for it too.

When the daycare closed Sun felt bad because he couldn't find the candy bags the children were searching for so he gave the 3 children a few of the cookies Chica and him baked to make it up to them.

Sun was cleaning the daycare when Moon appeared behind him again, hugging him from behind.
Sun continued to clean without looking at Moon which made Moon giggle.

"Come on Sunshine, what's wrong?"
-"Why did you scare me like-"
Sun turned around and finally looked at Moon and his eyes widened when he saw Moon wearing the bat costume he prepared for him.
Moon chuckled at Suns reaction and pulled him closer.
"Sunshine, I can't believe you would think I wouldn't want to wear this, uhm, awesome costume.."
Sun giggled when Moon realized what he was wearing and hugged him tightly and Moon immediately hugged back.
They stayed like that for a minute when Sun suddenly kissed Moon and wrapped his arms around Moons neck, Moon immediately kissed back, wrapping his arms around Suns waist.

They pulled away after a moment and Sun buried his face into Moons shoulder.
"Thank you Moony, This is definitely the best Halloween ever!"
-"Of course Sunshine... Oh I still have something for you, hold on!"

Sun stepped away from Moon and looked at him curiously.
-"close your eyes and give me your hands."
Sun did as he was told and felt Moon put something in his hands.
-"you can open your eyes now."

Sun saw 3 bags in his hands full of candy and looked at Moon annoyed who was just grinning at him.
Sun rolled his eyes and looked at the orange bag with hearts, the red bag with a cat face on it and the blue bag with green letters on it as Moon just giggled.


Here yall go there's your fluff!! Also I didn't proof read this because i want to sleep I'm. So sorry it's literally 6AM for me and school begins again tomorrow oh lord
AND I WANT TO THANK YALL SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR 25K READS? especially since I've been basically non-existant lately I really love you all so much :( /p

Sun x Moon oneshots 🌞❤️🌚Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin