Gayest Act Of Them All (in Minecraft)

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Side Note:
I'm sad so I'm writing this (I'm not anymore) and I promise the Requests will be next!!
I just decided to give yall this in the meantime so yall know I still write.

(also this one-shot isn't meant to be taken with much seriousness)

Sun and Moon were bored, sitting on the ground.
The pizzaplex has been closed for renovations and repairs, so for the past week Sun was bored.
Moon actually liked not having to deal with children, but the first week passed and moon was getting bored now too.

He went to the security desk in the play-area and tried either ordering some games they could play or find some games online.
He found a game called Minecraft (I've been obsessed with it recently ok) and remembered some kids talking about it.
He also saw some wearing shirts of it. (I want a minecraft shirt)

He decided to buy it, he only heard positive things about it so surely they'll like it.
He also brought it on another computer from the security desk so him and Sun could play together.

While Minecraft downloaded Moon went to get Sun.
He knew Sun was in their room, so Moon went there and he saw Sun sitting on their bed looking through Moons journal.

"Hey!" Moon snatched the Journal from Sun and looked down at him angrily.
Sun looked up at Moon with big puppy dog eyes and smiled innocently.
Moon sighed and lightly hit Sun on the head.

"Don't do that again idiot. Ever heard of privacy?"
-"Yea, but you don't get any, not under my watch!" Sun giggled and wrapped his arms around Moons neck.

Moon chuckled and picked Sun up bridal style
(I love being picked up bridal style fr.)
((I have never been picked up bridal style))
He summoned his wire and went down to the security desk.
Sun titled his head in confusion until Moon sat him down in a chair and pointed at the desktop.

Sun happily clapped his hands
(me when I happy stim)
And started minecraft, they created a private server where only they could play in and went in survival mode.
Moon did want to play in the hard difficulty but Sun refused to play unless they're playing in peaceful mode.
So Moon gave in and choose the peaceful difficulty.

They played for a while, first they both went mining but when Sun died in the Lava he insisted on using keep inventory.
(I'm a keep inventory user and I will not take criticism for it)
((yall can make fun of me I give you the full permission to do so but don't be to hard on me I'm sensitive))

They finished mining so they left the cave.
They searched for a place to build their house.
Moon still wanted to explore so once they found a good place, Moon put his useless stuff in a chest and went off to explore their world.
Sun decided to build their house.

Turns out Sun wasn't a good builder (so me fr been playing minecraft since 2012 or 2013 and still the worst at building)
But it was nice enough.

It was built with spruce wood, it had a chest room where sun had organized all items,
The main room had all the furnaces and crafting table.
He also decorated the main room with flowers.

While he was building the new room for their bedroom he noticed they don't have enough wool for 2 beds, even if they technically don't need to sleep since phantoms couldn't spawn he wanted it to feel like an actual home.
(I will also not take criticism for making minecraft houses look like actual houses, it's silly and I love doing that)

"Hey Moon could you get some wool before you come back? We don't have enough for beds, and I want some carpets!!"
-"Sure. Do you also want me to bring you different flowers so we can color-code the beds and carpets?"
"Ohh!! Yes I'd love that! Not to mention I can decorate even more then!"
-"okay, I'll make sure to bring you lots of flowers."

Since Sun couldn't do anything in their house anymore, he decided to build a farm and decorate the outside of their house.
He also crafted a Fishing rod and got some fish to tame the cats from the nearby village they found while searching for a place to stay.
(idk if it's just me but I hate building my base near a village)

Moon came back to their base a few minutes later.
He saw multiple cats outside their house and Sun building a whole new room for them.

Moon chuckled and went inside, he made beds and carpets. Making a blue bed and carpets for him and yellow ones for Sun (piss)

"Where do you want to put the beds?"
-"Oh let's put them next to each other!! I've heard from kids that that's a sweet gesture!"
"I mean, I guess it's kinda like sharing a bed so sure"
Moon put their beds next to each other and decided to decorate the bedroom.
He added flowers with flower pots and the color-coded carpets.

While Sun finished the room for the cats Moon put his stuff away and helped Sun decorating the cats' room.

Since the night arrived they decided to go to sleep in their minecraft beds which are next to each other.

And so both of them continued playing minecraft until it was dark. Making multiple worlds, each with different difficulty levels, gamemodes and different kind of bases.

But no matter what gamemode, what kind of base or difficulty level, they always put their minecraft beds next to each other.


It's almost 3AM while I finished writing this, like I said at the beginning don't take this one too seriously I didn't put much thought into it + its just a joke but I love minecraft so I decided to write this hihi!!

Also I wrote this like i said at the start so yall know I'm still alive and since idk when ill be able to write the Request (which, of course will be longer again) so I gave yall this!! Anyways I'll be going to bed now I'm super tired but I'll probably listen to music before sleeping because I have my priorities
(this is the longest end-authors note thingy that I ever did lmao)

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