Watching As The Flames Get Higher...

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Side note!!<3:
If I feel like being nice I might give yall a break from the angst but today is not the day so angst it is! <3
Also this one's shorter and maybe a little rushed I'm so sorry

Sun was on his way down to Parts '& Service, that morning a worker came to the daycare and told Sun about his check-up.
Moon had his check-up a few days prior so he decided to clean the daycare for Sun.
Sun arrived at Parts '& Service and sat down on the hospital like bed.
Sun was looking around the room, he always felt a little uncomfortable during check-ups but knew they had to be done.

A worker came into the room, Sun instantly looked at them.
"Alright, you ready? This could take a while..."
-"That's okay! But how long will this take?"
"Ah, uhm, around 1 hour?"
-"Oh, Okay!"

The worker smiled at Sun and connected some cables to his head and arm, turning him off to start the check-up.

After around 25 minutes the worker left the Parts '& Service area to get some parts from a different part of the pizzaplex.
The worker entered Roxys Raceway with another worker who also wanted to go to Roxys Raceway.
They talked happily and helped each other find the things they need, coming across some machines that weren't there before.

"Hey, what's up with those?"
-"Oh, I overheard some upper management talking about those but I have no idea what those are actually for."
"Hm, and they just kept them here?"
-"Seems like they did, I will never understand the choices of- ouch!"
While the worker was talking, they were walking closer to the machine putting a hand on it, cutting themselves off by slightly burning their hand on the machine.

"Are you okay?!"
-"I-I think, it just burns but I don't think the machine is supposed to be this warm! It's almost like fire."
"That's... Weird? Wait let me call-"
The worker was cut off by something exploding inside the machine.
They backed away from the machine and looked at it, waiting for anything else to happen.
"L-Let me call... Upper management... To figure out if this is normal..."

The worker pulled out their phone, dialing the number and pressing the phone against their ear, walking around Roxys Raceway.
The worker walked around to the back of the machine, careful not to burn their other hand aswell, carefully trying to find out what exploded inside.

The worker who previously talked with the people responsible for the machine quickly grabbed the workers arm and pulled them away from the machine.

"Be careful, someone will be sent to check this out because they're not sure if this is normal either.
They told us to leave and make sure no one comes inside here until someone checked it out."
The worker nodded and made their way to the door, right when the worker opened it they heard a loud explosion behind them.
They turned around, eyes widening as the exploded machine started a fire which started spreading.

Neither of the workers moved, they were unable to even if they tried.
They tried speaking to each other but no words were coming out of their mouths.
Suddenly they were pulled out of Roxys Raceway, finally realizing their situation as they looked at Chica, thanking her.
Chica just nodded and quickly pushed them towards the entrance doors, Chica then went to the nearest security office, telling the security guard about the fire.
The security guard made an announcement over the speakers that everyone needed to leave the Pizzaplex immediately.
Luckily the Pizzaplex was closed so only the animatronics and the staff members needed to evacuate.

Outside the Pizzaplex, Moon was looking everywhere for Sun, he figured because he had a check-up, the worker took him outside but he couldn't find him anywhere.
"Moonlight are you okay? Where's Sun?"
-"I-I don't know, I don't know where Sun is! I know he had a check-up so he has to be out here somewhere but I can't find him..."
"how about we search together? Do you know which worker did the Check-up?"
-"No I don't, I just know he had one and that's it..."
"Hm, how about you go and sit with Monty? I'll search for Sun okay?"
-"A-Are you sure?"
"Yes of course! Come here I'll help you."
(also thanks to this sitting12crying person for the nickname <33)

Moon sighed, he held onto Roxys arm as she helped him walk over to Monty.
Roxy kept whispering comforting things towards Moon and made sure not to walk to fast, Moon could break down any second now so she held onto him tightly.

When Monty saw them he instantly made space for Moon, making sure he doesn't fall down when he sat down on the ground.

"We don't know where Sun is, Moon hasn't seen him ever since we left the Pizzaplex.
I'll continue search for Sun but you guys make sure Moon calms down okay?"
They nodded and Freddy suggested to ask around to figure out where Sun is.
Roxy agreed and quickly made her way to the group of Parts '& Service workers to ask them first.

"Excuse me? Does anyone here know where Sun is?!"
-"No? Is he not with you guys?"
"No? If he were I wouldn't be asking you where he is."
-"R-Right... Uhm... Ask them over there, I think they did Suns check-up today."

Roxy looked at the worker the other one was pointing to, they were talking with another Parts '& Service worker.
Roxy figured they were trying to distract themselves but she still walked towards them.

"Oh, hello Roxy! I'm glad you guys are safe!"
-"Yeaaa, uhm, about that have you guys seen Sun? We can't find him anywhere.."
"Wait, didn't you do his check-up?"
The worker turned to the other, who thought for a moment, after a few seconds the workers eyes widened as they stared at the Pizzaplex which was still burning.
~"I-I.... Did...."
"Well where is he?"
~"I... I left him turned off in Parts '& Service...."

Roxy and the other workers eyes widened.
"Are you crazy? Why did you do that?!"
~"I.. I was in Roxys Raceway when the fire started... I-I completely forgot about Sun-"
"How could you forget about Sun?! Especially in a situation like this?!"
~"I-I don't know I-I'm sorry-"

Roxy and the worker scoffed as the other looked down in embarrassment.
Roxy grabbed the worker by the arm and pulled them towards their Boss, apologizing to the innocent worker who just nodded.

The worker told their Boss everything who was furious while Roxy slowly walked over to Moon.
Monty, Chica and Freddy looked at Roxy, curious if she found Sun while Moon was watching the Pizzaplex burn.
He liked the warmth of the fire, to him it felt like Sun was right next to him, hugging him.

"Uhm... A-about Sun..."
Moon looked at Roxy, hoping she found him.
"So...uhm... I found the worker who did his check-up..."
-"w-was Sun with them?"
"N-No... But I know where he is.."
-"Well, where is he?"
Moon asked excitedly which made Roxy hesitate, not because she didn't want to tell him but because she felt like she couldn't tell him.

She took a deep breath and fell on her knees, hugging Moon tightly.
"He never left the Pizzaplex... The worker left him turned off in Parts '& Service and didn't go back for him..."

Moon heard the others gasp as he listened to what Roxy was saying.
Sun was still in the Pizzaplex, the Pizzaplex which was burning into ashes right before his eyes.
tears began running down Moons cheeks as he felt Roxy hug him tighter.
He didn't hug back or make any noise, all he did was stare at the Pizzaplex.

He felt Roxy also hugging Chica, trying to comfort her a little as well.
Moon, with all the strength he had left grabbed Chicas hand with his left hand and wrap his right arm around Roxy.
Moon buried his face into Roxys shoulder, crying harder.
He swore to murder the person who was responsible for Suns death as realization finally hit him.
Knowing Sun was turned off gave him a bit of comfort, knowing Sun didn't feel any pain.
Moon thought about his last moments with Sun, atleast Sun was happy before he died.
Sun was telling him about the games he played with the children that day.
Moon couldn't help but cry harder, because he knew he would never see Sun ever again.


I don't know if I like this ending, it feels rushed but anyways!!
It's 5AM rn and I'm like super tired so yea!!
I love you all so much bye bye <33 /p

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