All This Could've Been Avoided...

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Side note!!:
Ever since I cut off contact with a 'toxic' person I seem much happier according to my therapy group?? I mean I'm proud of myself I really am (for once) and I'm glad it actually worked out nicely for me so yea!! (I decided to ruin this with angst. /hj)
((hopefully this won't be too cringe since it's a really overused trope but I like it so let's go))

Sun was impatiently going back and forth in his room, waiting for Moon.
A few hours earlier Moon went to spend some time with Monty, Sun of course didn't mind but he did ask Moon to be back earlier so they could spend some time together.

Sun just wanted to spend some time with Moon and he couldn't even keep his promise to come back earlier.
Sun was about to throw himself on his bed and start crying because of the anger he felt but that was interrupted by the sound of someone entering the daycare.

Sun ran to the balcony and saw Moon.
He instantly jumped in the ballpit and walked over to Moon.

"Moon! I thought you told me you'd be back earlier?!"
-"Well I forgot about the time, don't scream at me now."
"Well, okay fine but you promised me you'd be back early..."
-"I know I did and I'm sorry, we can spend some time tomorrow okay?"
"Yea sure and then you forget about me again."
Sun mumbled under his breath.
-"Excuse you?"
"Whatever, I totally didn't say anything."

Sun rolled his eyes and went to turn around which made Moon quite angry.
They quickly started screaming at each other not caring about anyone hearing.

"Well, maybe if you'd stop being so immature about everything we could actually work things out?!"
-"Immature?! YOU'RE calling ME immature?! Atleast I know how to fucking do my job properly!"
"YOU? DOING YOUR JOB? If it weren't for me you would've been decommissioned ages ago!"
-"Atleast I keep the Pizzaplex safe! What do you do? Play and draw with little children? What a career."
"Incase you forgot YOU'RE just watching them sleep and yet children still go missing. Talk about keeping the Pizzaplex safe."
-"You little-"
"NO. I'm done with you. Honestly just leave me alone I don't ever want to see you again I fucking hate you Moon."

Moons eyes widened with anger while Sun ran away with tears in his eyes. (lmao he's just like an anime girl fr)
Sun hated the fact he cried when he was angry but he couldn't help himself.
While Sun ran up to his room, Moon turned to leave the daycare.

Moon made his way to the kitchen.
He was thinking about Suns words, deep down he knew Sun didn't mean it.
Atleast he hoped so if he was truly honest with himself.
Moon always had to hurt something when he was this angry, he wouldn't even think about hurting Sun or anyone else in the Pizzaplex but he needed to destroy something.

Moon pulled some map bot with him while walking to the kitchen, he found his victim to hurt.
Those map bots jumpscared everyone, so he was doing the Pizzaplex a tiny favor.

Moon got to the kitchen and entirely destroyed that Map bot for around 10 minutes.
After finally calming down a little, he looked down at the mess he made.

He sighed and looked around the kitchen, if staff found out about him destroying a map bot they would for sure make him regret it.
His eyes landed on the the Garbage compactor, if no one would find the map bot no one would know he destroyed it right?

With that in mind Moon began putting the map bot in the Garbage compactor, the silence of the kitchen made him think about his and Sun's argument again.

He felt himself tearing up at the thought of Sun hating him.
But Sun didn't mean it, right?
Moon told himself that but in reality he really thought Sun hated him.
He wanted-
He needed to apologize to Sun.

Moon went to the button to start the Garbage compactor, trying to stop crying so Sun didn't worry about him, that is, if he still cared about him.

Moon pressed the button multiple times but nothing happened.
He titled his head in confusion and went to check it out.

He didn't went inside the Garbage compactor and just looked to check it out.
He didn't see anything unusual and he knew the machine was working.
He went back to the button to turn it off so he could check inside.

Moon tried to feel if anything unusual was there.
He couldn't stop thinking about Sun, he hated the thought of Sun hating him so much.
He tried to stop thinking about it since he needed to concentrate, one small mistake could be dangerous.

Sun layed on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
He was crying for the past hour, he hated arguing with Moon, not to mention all the things he said.
He sighed and turned to cuddle Moons pillow.
Usually Sun wouldn't be the one to apologize, he was too stubborn for that, but regret was eating him alive.

Sun made up his mind to apologize to Moon.
He got up and thought about where to search for Moon, usually he isn't allowed outside the daycare by now but that couldn't wait until the morning for him.

Sun first went to Montys room, either Moon was there or at Roxys, but since Roxy usually goes to Chicas room or the other way around that was very unlikely to be the case.

Sun stood infront of Montys door, hesitating to knock.
If he accidentally woke Monty up that would be the death of him, but he'd rather be dead than have Moon hate him.
Sun knocked lightly, hearing an annoyed sigh on the other side.

Monty opened the door, ready to punch whoever annoyed him.
When Monty saw Sun and noticed he'd been crying his face quickly softened.

"You ok buddy?"
-"Is Moon with you? We've had a huge argument and I just wanna apologize to him..."
"Oh, no he's not, I haven't seen him after he left earlier."
-"Okay, sorry to bother.. Do you know where he could be?"
"Well, usually when he's not able to talk to you and he needs to calm down he either goes down to parts &' services or to the kitchen.
Check the kitchen first, that'll be faster, want me to accompany you?"
-"No, it'll be fine, thank you..."
"Okay, take care of yourself."

Sun smiled at Monty and quickly ran to the kitchen.
He was very excited when he saw the lights on in the kitchen so surely Moon would be there!

Sun looked inside the kitchen, not seeing anyone.
"Moony? Are you here? I-I wanted to apologize."
Sun looked around the kitchen, seeing the button for the Garbage compactor glowing rapidly.

He didn't understand anything that had to do with machines like that, so he just went to check on the Garbage compactor.

He stopped in his tracks, eyes widening when he looked at the Garbage compactor.
Sun looked at Moon or rather at Moons hand laying next to the Garbage compactor, his hat laying near his hand, the rest of his body nowhere to be seen.

Sun ran to the button and pressed it repeatedly, trying anything to turn the Machine off.

Sun somehow managed to turn the Machine off.
He ran back to where Moon was, seeing him crushed to death by the Garbage compactor,
Sun couldn't comprehend what he's seeing.

He cried and held Moons hand, holding his hat close to his chest with his other hand, that was all he had left of Moon.
Sun didn't even had the chance to apologize to him, Surely Moon knew Sun still loved him right?
But what if he didn't?
What if Moon died thinking Sun hated him?
Sun would never forgive himself.

Sun cried for the rest of the night, holding the little parts he had left of Moon close to him, Apologizing over and over again, telling Moon how much he loved him.
If only that argument never happened.


Bro idk why but I feel like this story sucks ass <//3 (just like me eating sun's ass fr) ((im sorry))
Maybe it's because it's 2:30 AM and I'm really tired but I feel like I could've done better anyways expect alot of fluff stories for now hihi!! I love you all <333 /p
(like I'm being fucking serious ALMOST 10K READS??? No words will ever describe how happy I am about that!! I love you all so much :(( /p <333)

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