Chapter 16

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In the Kingdom of Vale, the City is a complete mess, the Buildings are all damaged and their's flames everywhere. To top it all off, there are hundreds of dead bodies everywhere, most of it are civilians, but majority of them are the White Fang as well as the dozens of Atlas Paladins they stole and were all but destroyed during the battle. The Grimm have already high tailed and ran out of there, no doubt they won't be coming back anytime soon.

Up in the skies and streets of Vale, NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers have Vehicles and Helicopters patrolling the skies and roads. The relief goods and supplies will come eventually as well as the materials to reconstruct the City. Multiple Squads can be seen patrolling the streets to ensure no looting occurs.

Back in Beacon, the Autobots and their allies are celebrating their victory. The battle has just been won a few minutes ago and they're now focusing on the aftermath.

Ozpin: Everyone, I would like to say, on behalf of the people of Vale, we would like to thank the Autobots and the men and women of NEO-N.E.S.T for thwarting those that wish to threaten this land and for that, we are in your debt.

Bumblebee: That's right......we did a fine job.....kicking ass and taking names!!

Ruby: That's right, Bee!!

Meanwhile, Optimus has already reverted back to his original form, alongside Jetfire as he approaches Ozpin and Ironwood, who are speaking to the Vale Council as well as some of the Representatives of the 4 Kingdoms, that includes his Grandparents and the Atlas Council.

Optimus: Ozpin, with our presence now being revealed to all of Remannt, it may attract unwanted attention. We may gain new allies, but we will also gain new enemies.

Ozpin: Indeed, but we will make sure none of these individuals get a hold of your weapons.

Ironwood: Examples of them can be Jacques Schnee and some of the Atlas Elitists. Don't worry, we'll make sure to put a leash on them.

Liam: The same can be said for the Fallen Arc Clan, from what I can tell, those Elders send out their Scouts to investigate this matter and probably reported to them about the battle. We need to be ready to defend ourselves once they send out their dogs.

Alsie: Indeed, I take it your have contingency plans for this, Optimus?

Optimus: Yes we do, Alsie. My Autobots are hard at work prepping the defenses to face against Chronos, we can assure NEO-N.E.S.T will be heavily armed and ready for combat, once we face these new threats. But I fear our old enemies may have ended up on this planet.

Liam: You believe they're here, Optimus?

Optimus: I believe so, and we must be ready to face them. No matter what.

They all nod as Cardin's Father, Viggo, approaches him.

Viggo: You know, despite you saving their asses, Optimus. It seems the Beacon Students aren't all too fond that the person they deemed a Faker and a Weakling, saved them. They have been giving your Autobots dirty looks, and are itching to attack you guys.

He gestures towards the Beacon Students, Optimus and the group, looks to see the Students eager to provoke the Autobots but were met with NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers hitting them, Clover and the Ace-Ops are instilling discipline towards them, shouts can be heard as all the NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers are angry at the Students.

They get saved by the Autobots and this is how they treat them?!

Ironwood: I'll make sure to instill discipline and order in these Students. I believe you'll allow my forces to do so, Ozpin, Councilmen?

Viggo: Do what you have to do, it's time we show these Students their place, they're suppose to be the Protectors of Remnant, not their destroyers.

They all agreed to what Viggo said, but they notice one of the members of the True Arcs, Belze, see something in the corner of his eye.

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