Chapter 12

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Vale: NEO-N.E.S.T Headquarters

In the Conference Room of the NEO-N.E.S.T Headquarters located in Vale, Ozpin and Ironwood are now joined by Viggo alongside the Vale Council that isn't corrupt. Viggo made sure to double check everything regarding those he brought, and made sure to keep an eye on them incase they slip up. If so, they have some.....blackmail they can use against them. So far, they have been cooperative and helping towards the Autobots as well as the Organization.

Liam: So, Ozpin. What have you to report?

Joining them is Liam and Alsie alongside many other representatives of the 4 Kingdoms in Video Call. This is where they go to have their meetings regarding matters involving operations in Remnant.

Ozpin: It has been a couple of days since the incident in the CCTS Tower. Cinder Fall may have escaped, but we captured two of her main allies. Torchwick was gracious enough to inform us that those two are key to her plans in initiating the destruction of Vale.

Ironwood: And the same can be said for the White Fang as well.

Mistral Representative: And what are our reports of the White Fang in Vale?

Viggo: With NEO-N.E.S.T eliminating majority of their Cells here in the Kingdom, they have gone silent. But I fear with what's happened in the failed attempt on the Tower, they may retaliate sooner than we think.

Ozpin: And their target is the Vytal Festival.

Atlas Council Member: James, have you moved your fleet away from the City. From what you told us, these Terrorists plan to use the virus to hack into our systems, yes?

Among the representatives of the 4 Kingdoms are those of the Councils themselves. The Atlas and Mistral Council fully supported the Autobots in their endeavors and made sure to keep their presence in closed doors. The Atlas Council also made sure to keep Jacques out of this at all costs, Vacuo isn't part of the lineup as they are not to be trusted, the same can be said for some of Vale's Council Members.

Ironwood: Yes, I have. The bulk of our forces now are comprised of NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers, they will ensure the protection and safety of the people.

The members all nod to that.

Alsie: And what of Alister? Has he escaped after he learned of the failed attempt at the Tower?

Ozpin: No, he is still keeping to his act with Team PARYS. I believe he will make his attempt of revealing his true colors when the attack on Beacon commences.

Alsie: I see.

Liam: Ozpin, Alsie has given me the info regarding Lionheart's actions against the Kingdom of Mistral. We have his warrant of arrest and are ready to head to Haven on your word. We even have the reports we made to give to the Media regarding this matter. Hopefully it can calm down the citizens.

Ozpin: Let's hope so, Liam. You have my approval. Once this call ends, you may proceed with Lionheart's arrest.

Liam: Of course, Ozpin.

Despite being on the screen, Ozpin looks towards Alsie and she notices his look. Alsie gestures she will tell Liam and the others about Optimus at a later date.

Ozpin: Now then, I believe there is something else we need to discuss. One that is very important and why we need to keep it away from corrupted hands.

Ironwood: Indeed, recently, the Autobots have discovered an artifact which belonged to Cybertron and how they found it, was a bit odd for my taste.


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