Chapter 13

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Vale: Amity Colosseum

In the Amity Colosseum, the Vytal Festival is under way. NEO-N.E.S.T are on high alert regarding security in the Colosseum. After the arrest of Emerald and Mercury, the Vale Council requested security to increase and to have NEO-N.E.S.T forces continue their patrols around the City and to apprehend any or all suspected individuals.

With the info they acquired from Cinder and with confirmation from Roman Torchwick. They learned that Cinder is in league with the White Fang and with the NEO-N.E.S.T forces' continuous raids on their Bases, they found out their plans were delayed due to their actions. Despite this, NEO-N.E.S.T forces continue to find remnants of the White Fang Vale Branch in hopes of stopping this threat for good.

Meanwhile, in the Amity Colosseum. Team RBN has been massacring the matches. Even though they are a three member Team, they still defeated the many Teams from the 4 Academies. They were not in possession of their Exo-Suits, that will come into play later on. But they are equipped with their modified weapons that were outfitted with Cybertronian Tech as well as the Mini-Cons

Ratchet and Wheeljack stated the Mini-Cons will only be used if the Decepticons were to arrive on Remnant since they help give an edge towards the Autobots with the added upgrades to their weaponry. They won't use them against the Grimm since their weapons alone, can handle their Hordes. So Wheeljack decided to give the Mini-Cons to Team RBN at the meantime, to use in the Vytal Festival and they used it well.

Literally winning the competition in a matter of minutes. Although, Nora did something very out of the blue to win their fight against Team SSSN. She heard from Blake, one of their members, Neptune, is afraid of water. So she used that to her advantage and fired off a........drop of water. It's stupid, but it worked, seeing Neptune's reaction.

All in all, Team RBN were dominating the Vytal Festival

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All in all, Team RBN were dominating the Vytal Festival. Seeing this, Team PARYS are unsure if they have a chance in beating them from the display they saw in the Matches, but Alister assures them that with their taunting, they can surely get the drop on them.

But sadly they won't and it will bite them in the ass.


In is now the next set of matches as Team RBN can be seen in the waiting room preparing for their match. The three are here to discuss matters not involving the match, but from what Wheelie has found the other day.

Blake: Great, so Team PARYS knows about the whole Autobots secret. This will be a shit show in the making once they confront us and I'm not looking forward to it.

Nora: Same.

Wheelie: Oh, trust me. Those morons will lay it on us for no reason and it's pissing me off just thinking about it.

Ruby: Sadly, their's nothing we can do now. Even if we told them to leave us alone, they won't relent. Yang is too keen of watching me since she is my VERY overprotective big sister, Weiss is jealous that we are getting all the attention, while they aren't, Pyrrha is influenced by Alister and we already know why he is doing that. Ren is just there.

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