Chapter 15

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In the City of Vale, it's chaos out there as both Cinder and Adam have begun their attack.

The streets are covered in flames as dozens of White Fang Suicide Bombers, blew themselves up into pieces. This in turn caused majority of it's citizens to panic, despite the NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers shooting at the Suicide Bombers before they could explode. Sadly, some were able to do their job, taking out the NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers, but their armor made by the Autobots were able to protect them, as for the civilians, some died and some are heavily injured.

Then there is the Grimm, even though the Autobots annihilated the entire Grimm Horde in Mt. Glenn, rendering them extinct. Cinder still found a way to bring a large horde of Grimm capable of overrunning the Kingdom, and has the Wyvern leading it's pack.

In one of the rooftops overlooking the City, Cinder is joined by Alister, who is watching their work in full display. Cinder has the briefcase with the Semblances ready as they make their next move.

Alister: So, we heading to Beacon now.

Cinder: Indeed, Taurus is playing his part and now it's time for ours. Soon, the Fall Maiden's power will be mine.

The two leave the rooftops as the Battle of Beacon rages on.

Vale: Beacon Academy

In the Courtyard of Beacon, it has turned into an Evacuation Zone where NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers lead the people of Vale to. Just a few clicks from the zone, Autobots and NEO-N.E.S.T forces can be seen engaging the Grimm and the White Fang.

Hound: Come on you A-Holes! Their's plenty more bullets where that came from!!

Hound leads the charge by firing off his Hand-held Machine Gun, joining him are a Battalion of NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers and two Autobots, Brawn and Bluestreaker. Brawn can be seen firing off his Rocket Launcher on his arms, while Bluestreaker fires beams using the Cannons on his shoulders. Bullets and rockets engulf the charging Grimm Horde.

Up in the sky, Sliverbolt, Breakaway, and Air Raid initiate bombing runs to disrupt the Grimm from entering the City, with NEO-N.E.S.T Attack Helicopters laying down support for the Soldiers as they evacuate the civilians.

In the main evacuation center on Beacon, multiple Bullheads and Air Buses can be seen on standby should the situation get progressively worse, but with the Autobots on their side, the battle is in their favor, for now.

Goodwitch: Perceptor, how goes the evacuation?

Perceptor: We are at 85% of civilians evacuated from the City, Professor Goodwitch. NEO-N.E.S.T forces and our Team of Autobots are pushing the Grimm back. Although the Suicide Bombers are giving us a difficult time in leading the civilians to Beacon.

The White Fang, now armed with the leftover Paladins that didn't get destroyed by NEO-N.E.S.T, fire off missiles at the Soldiers as they take cover from the explosions. One NEO-N.E.S.T Soldier fires off a rocket, destroying the Paladin in one shot. On the street, we can see Rhinox charging in with Arcee and Elite-One standing on top of him as the two fire off their blasters, joining them is Chromia, Moonracer, and Firestar, turning their legs into a one wheel mode and rolling alongside them.

Up in the skies, we can see Airazor firing beams of flames right at a flock of Nevermores, turning them into ash. A Death Stalker can be seen being thrown towards a Building as Primal deals with another, ripping apart it's stinger and throwing it at another Nevermore.

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