Chapter 14

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In the Warehouse located in the Docks of Vale, Alister was able to reach the place, albeit with a bit of difficulty. The reason for this is the amount of NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers around the City, they decided to reveal themselves to the public, Ironwood even said in a statement that this is a newly created Joint-Alliance between the 3 Kingdoms, Vale, Mistral, and Atlas, with even the Villages of the Dragon Continent, joining in as well.

The people of Vacuo did not like that their Kingdom wasn't being represented. The same can be said for the Faunus as the Alliance did not dictate Menagerie being a part of it.

But besides that, Alister made it inside the Warehouse to see Cinder and Adam, who appears to be overseeing operations with the White Fang and he can tell, there are barely any of them left.

Alister: So, is this what's left of the White Fang?

Adam: Silence, human! Before I cut your throat. Because of these NEO-N.E.S.T Soldiers making a mess with my forces. I had to bring in what's left of the three White Fang Branches in the Kingdoms. The rest are all in Menagerie, but with travel there being nearly impossible. By the time they get here, the Vytal Festival will be over.

Alister: And to make matters worse, this happened back in Mistral.

As he shows off his Scroll, if you look at it, the Scroll shows News of what's happening in Haven.

Mistral News Reporter: This just in! Multiple Soldiers and Policemen have stormed the Halls of Haven Academy and arrested the Headmaster, Leonardo Lionheart on charges of corruption, aiding terrorists, and many others. We spoke to the Mistral Council regarding this matter and the Council stated they have substantial evidence that prove Lionheart to be guilty! Such as the involvement of two terrorists that infiltrated Beacon under the disguise of Students. More info will be given in the following days, so stay tuned.

Alister: Guess this plan got a whole lot more harder than we thought.

Cinder: It does not matter now. Lionheart played his part, but I know my Mistress will send our people to deal with Lionheart before he reveals anything of importance. Adam, I take it our new plan is set in stone?

Adam: Indeed.

As Adam shows off a vest, but not just any vest. It's a Suicide Vest.

Adam: If we stick to what's left of the Bombs we made in Mt. Glenn. This NEO-N.E.S.T would know of it and intercept us, but if we resort to this method, we can surprise them when they least expect it.

Alister: And once the Bombers initiate the explosion, it will cause fear and panic, bringing in the Grimm to the City.

Adam: Yes. But my question is, Cinder? With the Grimm in Mt. Glenn basically being extinct. How do you suppose the Grimm will come to the Vale without these Soldiers or Robots seeing them?

Cinder: Don't worry, these Autobots and NEO-N.E.S.T failed to eliminate the Wyvern that is hidden underneath of Mt. Glenn. Once it awakens, it will call out to any nearby Grimm in the Kingdom and lead it's forces into Vale.

Adam: I see, then what is this item you acquired from Mercury Black? One you said will give us an edge on this battle.

Cinder: This.

She brings out a briefcase and places it on the table, opening it up to reveal a set of Syringes of different colors.

Cinder: What you don't know about Mercury, is his Father, Marcus Black, who sadly died by Mercury's hands. The Man had an ability where he can steal a copy of anyone's Semblance just by the touch of his hand. Marcus found a way to extract the copied Semblance and sell it to the highest bidder. These here are what remains of his work and I have a special one for you, Alister. One to deal with these robots.

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