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Chan and Minho were now alone. Jeongin left with one of his friends to his sword practice. So now it was Just Minho and Chan.


"Min?" Chan called for him.

"Y-yeah?" Minho stuttered. And it was just him and the older. Minho was scared about what would happen.

Chan came closer and back hugged the younger, he gently kissed the younger's neck going up to his ear.

Minho felt a rush of anxiety, he felt disgusted with himself. Quickly, he jerked away from Chan's grasp.

"Did I do something wrong?" Chan asked worried and concerned.

"N-no, It's just me. I'm gonna go." Minho quickly speed ran out the room shutting the large chamber doors behind him. He ran down the hallways until he accidentally crashed into someone. Falling on his bottom.

"Oh who do we have here?" A raspy voice spoke.

"I didn't mean to- '' When Minho looked up at who he crashed into, his heart sank. Fear building up.

"It's been a while Minho. You've grown into a handsome youngman."

"Get away from me." Minho tried to get up but instead he was pinned to the wall.

The middle aged man spoke.

"Are you gonna feel just as good as when you were younger? You're gonna be a goodboy right?" he smirked.
"G-go" Minho pleaded. He felt weak, scared.

Disgusted with himself.

"Why would I leave? I know you lik-"

"Didn't he tell you to fuck off?" A familiar voice growled, punching the chef in the face.

"Fucking hell-" He was caught off again with another blow, but not just one. They kept hitting him without stopping.

Minho stood there helpless, when his vision was in focus again he recognized a man punching the chef on the floor.


Minho finally came back to his senses, quickly, he got up on his feet and pulled Chan away. By the end Chan's hands were bloody and bruised, he looked mad, his jawline was visible and the veins were popping out.

"C-Chan." Minho called out a little scared, holding back his tears. Chan was leaning against the wall crouching looking at the bruised and bloody man on the floor.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything?" His voice still sounded quite angry.

"N-no, I'm fine. But you-"

Minho stopped his sentence when he noticed some guards walking by.

"W-what happened here?" one of them asked, scared.

"I need to talk to your king." Chan spoke as he got off from the floor leaving Minho in the hallways.

"Are you okay?" One one of the guards asked him?

"Yes, thank you for asking." Minho bowed before leaving, anywhere but here.

The garden.

He would leave the castle but he was still on duty and Jeongin was still in training so he couldn't do much except stop by the garden. 

So he was there, taking in the beautiful scenery for then next hour.

— — — —

"What's the problem?" The King asked.

"I don't like it when people touch what's mine."

"What is yours? And who touched it?" 

"If you don't let him kill that chef of yours I'll end up killing you."

"Oh, he's new. I apologize on his behalf-"

"I don't want apologies, I want to kill him."

"Didn't you already bruise him enough?"

"That was nothing compared to what he did."

"What did he do?"

"I'll tell you that when the time comes."

"So you just want me to let you kill him without a reason."

"The best reason I can give you is he touched what was mine." Chan whispered into the King's ear, he was mad on a whole other level.
Fear started to build up in the King's chest.

"Alright, Alright, we'll set up a time for that."

"Good, I'll be leaving now." Chan got up leaving the King's office after threatening his life.

— — — —

"Lee Minho?" An old man spoke loudly. He was quite skinny with a well known beard.

"Yes?" Minho hesitantly responded, a little scared.

"King Bang has summoned you." The man spoke, his body tall and stiff with a hand behind his back and one crossing in the front. He presented himself formally.

"O-oh, I'm coming." Minho carefully spoke before following the old man to the south wing of the castle.

As usual, the hallways in the south wing were dark. The candles against the wall barely lit up the hallways. The place looked like a prison. The black curtains were thick blocking all the sunlight from entering this part of the castle.

"We've arrived." The old man bowed before leaving Minho. The bunny boy was a little worried about how Chan would be. The older had left him in the hallways earlier and he seemed quite angry. But at who?

Pushing back his fears Minho opened the door carefully and closed the doors behind him without a sound. When he looked back, he saw Chan in the balcony.

He steadily walked to the older standing beside him.

"You called for me?" Minho asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, we need to talk." Chan spoke without looking at the younger.

"Now tell me, was the reason you've been avoiding me because of him?"

"Yes, I was just scared. I'm sorr-"

"Don't apologize, don't ever apologize for being insecure." Chan still wasn't looking at Minho.

"But, don't ever think that I would do something to harm you." Chan growled, finally turning to Minho, pinning the younger to the railing, not letting him go.

"Oh..." Minho was left with now words, he didn't really get the chance to say much since Chan wouldn't allow him to by kissing him.

Of course Minho kissed Chan back, he felt safe in the older arms.

"As your punishment-"

"Punishment??" Minho yelled in confusion. Chan immediately started to chuckle.

"Yes punishment, you tell me your entire past while I do something."

"What are you gonna d-do?" Minho asked, worried for his sanity.

"You'll find out," Chan smirked

He dragged Minho to the bedroom, gently throwing the younger one on his bed. He took two items, Once Minho recognized what it was. He felt adrenaline rush through his body.

"Ready?" Chan smirked.

Just then the doors of Chan's bedroom were being knocked on.

"King Bang, you have a visitor. A blond female requests to see you immediately."

"Why the fuck does everybody want to inurrupt me."

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