Chapter 10: Rogue Archer

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In the Airship, it is making it's way to the Dragon Continent with no interruption. Jaune's Father, Kenji, informed him they already sent a Team that will be waiting for them when they arrive in the Dragon Continent, Jaune decided to messaged them beforehand to ask the locals for Rogue Archer's location. Hopefully when they arrive, the Team has already found them.

Inside Jaune's Room, which is the biggest since he is the leader of this group of Warriors, everyone else also got a room that is quite large, but Jaune has the largest. Jaune can be seen watching the News regarding the reports about the Declaration of War and it's not going well.

Lisa: As you can see, many of Vale's Citizens do not approve of this war and refuse to fight in it, this in turn caused riots across the streets of Vale. The Vale Council has just announced Martial Law and implemented a rule that all Citizens are to serve the war or be arrested, the verdict of this is Life in Prison. Many Citizens and the Students of Beacon, who did not join the attack, are voicing out their complaints about this injustice, but sadly it has fallen into deaf ears for now. This is Lisa Lavender-hey what the hell are you doing?!

In the TV screen, we can see Vale Police Officers pushing Lisa and the Camera away as they shut it off. From there, the Live Footage cuts.

Jaune: What a mess.

Zhou: Indeed, Master.

He turns around to see Zhou leaning by one of the desks in his room. The Archer Servant was here with Jaune this whole time, listening in on the News. He too, shared the same feelings as Jaune, that this will lead to bloodshed and the destruction of a Kingdom.

Zhou: It seems not even with the citizens voicing out their negativity over this situation. It seems the Vale Council is truly showing who's in authority, but we both know this will end badly for them.

Jaune: Yup, nothing we can do about it. Best chance we can get is to force their people to surrender and take them to prison. We will only kill those that are Lap Dogs for the Council and spare those that didn't wish to fight.

Zhou: They truly won't stand a chance against the people of Mistral. My short stay here showed me how capable you all are, I even read stories about your adventures.

Jaune: And what did you think of it, Archer?

Zhou: That you are a fine Warrior, Master, and a great leader. A shame my old Master isn't here, you and him would have gotten along quite well. He maybe would asked you to join his Army and lead it as an Officer, did the same with Saber's old Master.

Jaune: What was he like?

Zhou: He.....he was a good man, and I never got the chance to see his goal fulfilled. But I know in the end, he did it and I was watching over him this entire time. Tell me, Master. What is your goal in all this?

Jaune: My goal? Hmmmm, quite frankly I don't have an answer to that at this moment. Never really thought about what my goal is in life, just a Wandering Samurai exploring the world and getting stronger, never had any interests in that.

Zhou: I see.....but once you have one in mind. Do tell me, my Master.

Jaune nods, but they were interrupted when knocking occurs on the door. Jaune tells the individual to come in and it's revealed to be none other than Yuri Ironblooded.

Jaune: Yuri, is there something you need?

Yuri: Oh, not me. But your Sisters are calling for you. Said they want to discuss the game plan once we arrive in the Dragon Continent.

Jaune: Oh great, let's see what this one is about. To think all my Sisters would agree to join me on this adventure.

Zhou: Indeed, Master. Your Sisters are truly a lively bunch.

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