Chapter 8: Caster (Part 1)

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Lisa: This is Lisa Lavender of the Vale News Network, coming to you live with Breaking News!! Numerous riots have occurred in the streets of Vale as citizens of Mistral who are here for the Vytal Festival are demanding justice for the attack on the City of Domrery in Mistral. The Mistral Council has shown everyone in Remnant, footage of the attack.

The screen now shows live footage that was filmed in a drone of the Beacon Students attacking the City Gates of Domrery. It even zoomed in on Cardin leading the charge, the screen turns back towards Lisa, who now has an image of Cardin on the screen.

Lisa: We have confirmed reports from the Mistral Council, the Clans, and numerous other witnesses that the mastermind of this attack is Cardin Winchester. Sources say over a dozen Beacon Students have been arrested and are awaiting trial.

The screen cuts to the Prison, where the Guardsmen are escorting over a dozen Beacon Students to their Cells, one tried to escape but was met with Guards hitting him with the baton as he falls to the floor.

Lisa: Many citizens all over Remnant are worried this may spark another Great War, for this attack has now been labeled as an international incident. Further more, the Academy of Haven has withdraw from the Vytal Festival, with many students voicing out their distastes towards the Kingdom of Vale for allowing this to happen to their home. Even citizens of Mistral who have came for the Festival are now leaving.

It now shows the Bullheads being filled to the brim with Mistralian citizens, with them shouting at to the cameras, angry by what the Students of Beacon have done.

Lisa: No word has been said by the Vale Council ever since the Mistral Council revealed they tried to bribe them to keep this incident in close doors. More info will be revealed as the day goes by. This is Lisa Lavender signing off-

The screen was shut off, revealing that Ozpin was watching this whole shitshow in his Office, joining him are Goodwitch and Ironwood.

Ironwood: Unbelievable, did Mr. Winchester think he could get away with attacking a City of Mistral? This isn't Vale, he can't use his Father's powers in the Council to get him out of this. The same can be said for the Students of Beacon.

Ozpin: We are lucky this didn't lead to a Great War, we all know what the Clans of Mistral are capable of.

Ironwood: Indeed.

Goodwitch: But Ozpin, you need to understand the only reason why the Students went to Mistral was because of Mr. Arc!!

Ozpin: Oh, so you're blaming him now? When he had nothing to do with this. Mr. Arc already explained his reasoning of coming here, it was the Student's choices that lead them to this predicament and now they are paying the price.

Ironwood: You should have taught them more discipline, Ozpin. This kind of mentality makes them think they have the right to do anything without consequence, and look what happened.

Ozpin: Trust me, James. I tried, and the results were the Council removing these kinds of methods, due to believing having this kind of mentality is cheered upon in Vale.

Ironwood: One that will lead to more death and destruction.

Goodwitch: Where's the Council now?

Ozpin: Sorting the mess Mr. Winchester created. They can't bribe their way out of this due to the evidence the Mistral Council revealed, they can't send assassins after them, this will even lead to a much horrible situation, and they can't even go into hiding.

Ironwood: If they do so, the entirety of Remnant will want their heads and for the Kingdom of Mistral to get their justice against the Vale Council. Which I'm all up for.

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