Chapter 4: Boss

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Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office

Pyrrha: What do you mean you're not allowing us to see Jaune?

Team JNPR or Team PRN now after Jaune left the Team, are now in Ozpin's Office discussing events related to said Leader or former Leader.

Ozpin: It is like what I said. You are allowed entry in all cities is Mistral since this is open to the public. But settlements related to that of the Clans are prohibited unless you are a member of the Clans, a citizen to the settlement, and most importantly, if you have official business with them. The Clans won't allow anyone in their homes, unless they have a reason to do so. Failure to do so will lead to your arrest.

Nora: But wait, isn't Pyrrha well known in Mistral since she is the Mistral Champion? Surely her influence and popularity can get us entry to wherever these Clans are?

Ozpin: I'm afraid not, Ms. Nikos' title is known in the Clans, but they do not approve of her ways of fighting. As to them, you are merely a Tournament Fighter and not what they consider, a real Warrior.

Ren: We also heard Blake talking about Jaune killing the White Fang in the Docks. She is not happy about it whatsoever.

Ozpin: From what I know, the Clans have been dealing with the White Fang for many months now. What Mr. Arc did was tamed compared to what some of the Clans did to the White Fang. This isn't his first rodeo with them for your information. He earned his title for a reason.

Ren: And I'm surprised you never heard of Jaune's reputation, Pyrrha. Surely you would have heard rumors about him?

Pyrrha: I did actually, but was never really interested in it. If I did know about it, maybe things would have been different here.

Ozpin: We can't say for certain, Ms. Nikos. Mr. Arc never really had any interest here from what he told me. So I won't be surpised he left Beacon even if you knew about his true skills in combat.

Pyrrha: But is there a chance you can allow us to go to Jaune's Home?

Ozpin: I can try, but when it comes to certain places in the Clan's territory. I have no ways of allowing you to enter said places. So once you enter the City, you're on your own.

Pyrrha: Understood, Headmaster.

Ozpin: I will give you the details regarding your transport and entry in a matter of hours. I will also add in Team RWBY as well, when they get wind of this. I'm afraid Ms. Belladonna would want to join you so she can confront the Clans regarding the White Fang. Let's hope it won't lead to her getting arrested.

Ren: We'll make they stay out of trouble, Headmaster.

Ozpin: Good.

Team PRN thanks the Headmaster for allowing them this opportunity and heads to the Elevator. Once they reached the Ground Floor, they were met with Team RWBY.

Weiss: What did the Headmaster want with you? We saw you exit the Elevator leading up to his Office, did something happen?

Pyrrha: Nothing bad, but the Headmaster allowed us to travel to Mistral, to Jaune's home.

Yang: Why are you going there? Didn't Vomit Boy said he wanted nothing to do with us after he left?

Ren: We know, but we still have unanswered questions regarding his whole secret and I wish to know more about these Clans of Mistral. I have heard about them during Nora and I's travels. But to think Jaune is a part of it.

Nora: Yeah, I want to know what Fearless Leader is like! And what they said about him being "The Demon of Mistral". I heard stories about him, but didn't think it to be Fearless Leader this whole time!!

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