"You're playing god again. Stop it." She says, walking out of the room, trying to catch up to Cub.

"Too slow, come on, i trained you better than that." Biffa says laughing and smacking Xisuma with the blunt side of his sword, having bested the man once again.

"You're possibly the best swordsman in the world. You're obviously going to win." Xisuma scoffs, pointing his sword in the direction of Biffa, seeing the focus in his eyes.

"Do you want to slay your enemies? win this war for your king? or do you want to die for nothing at all? It's up to you." Biffa says quickly, jabbing for Xisuma, being parried by the other.

"I'll die for nothing if you kill me here!" Xisuma shouts, making a quick thrust for Biffa, the opposition moving to the side and swiping his leg.

"You're right, so don't let me, Those years in a prison cell really had an effect on you, didn't they." He offers his hand, Xisuma ignoring him and standing up in front of him again.

"Those years in the prison cell had no effect on me. Im as good as ever." He catches his breath before entering another parrying match with his teacher.

He finds himself with his sword against Biffa's neck, and himself smiling away proud of himself, "Got you, see im not as bad as you thought." He laughs and pulls his sword away before turning awau to get a drink.

A second later, he finds himself on the floor looking up at the roof, and a sword pointed down at him, "And, you're dead. you may have bested me, but you spared my life, silly mistake Xisuma." Biffa laughs, pulling his sword away and making his way over to the bench in the middle of the training arena.

Xisuma throws himself up from the ground, rubbing the back of his head, which he had hit in the fall, and walking over to where Biffa was and sitting down.

"It's good having you here." He says, taking a drink from the canteen of water placed beside him.

"It's good being here, yet i have queries about this king of yours, and his true intentions, he seems little an honourable man." Biffa questions looking over at Xisuma, who continues drinking before placing down his canteen.

"He is a good king, i can promise you that there isn't much honour in this realm, and he has the right intentions, i assure you, would you have much honour if you were enslaved as a child?" Xisuma asks him, standing up and picking up his sword.

"Why do you ask me this? Why not ask yourself? Do you have honour, Xisuma? Do you feel what this king is doing is correct? Do you agree with how he got to his position? No more training today." Biffa says before walking out the room, a brown hilted sword with a yellow gemstone encrusted in the hilt by his side.

"I got this from him. It was Iskall's, i think the other one is with one of the Dogwarts men, but i am no swordsman. I think it should be yours." Grian says, handing the sharp steeled sword Xb was given before he died.

Scar takes it into his hand, finding his own reflection in the markings in the sword, a faint smell of blood pulsing off of it, "He was like a father to me, took me in when i was exiled, and killed trying to protect you, much like Xb, we must get revenge for them, me and you, together." He says, placing the sword in his sheath, looking down at Grian, who narrowly smiles up at him.

Grian nods his heas, a barely noticeable nod, but Scar can see it clear as day. His mind only focused on how many people had died for him and why it could ever be worth it.

"Hey Grian, you there?" Scar says, grabbing, placing his hand on the side of his face and watching Grian's eyes dart up from the ground to Scar's own, a bright smile plastered on his face as the smaller flushes a faint red before smiling back.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now