Sports Festival: Finale

Start from the beginning

Tensei internally and physically winced at that.

"Okay, so maybe I should've ran and called for back up instead of trying to handle things myself, but in my defense-"

"Tensei, that defense better be a good enough reason for you to be forced to retire from being a pro hero." Toki threatened.

".... I have no defense." Tensei said.

The two groaned.

"Oh come on! It's the hero killer! I couldn't just walk away!" Tensei stated.

"Oh, thank you Tensei, that makes you almost losing your life so much better!" Tenya remarked.

"Oh yes! Let's have a sleepover and braid each others hair!" Toki added with an equal level of sarcasm.

Tensei winced at that. Then he remembered something.

"I.... I did see something odd." He stated.

The two students gained confused looks.

"Maybe it was just the light playing tricks on me, but.... I could've sworn.... No. It's nothing."

"Tensei, what is it?" Tenya pressed.

".... I thought I saw a former student of Shouta's.... It's been years, but I remember working on a case with Shouta and a student of his. I don't remember her name, but her hero name at the time was Hypnos. She was in her first year at the time. We had been working on a case together. There was an.... Incident with the villain. Shouta and her had this huge fight.... Last I heard, she quit UA. Shouta would be able to tell you more, that's as far as my knowledge on the situation goes."

After his explanation, the two were left with more questions than answers.

*Back at the Sports Festival....*

Hoka took a deep breath, her and Bouran staring each other down.

"The carnage queen vs the smoking moth! The final match for the Sports Festival!" Mic announced.

Bouran sighed, her eyes becoming a crimson shade of red.


Bouran sighed.

"Special Move:" she began.

Her skin bled into a maroon red color, the whites of her eyes turning black. She licked her lips, that of which being a lighter shade of red, making them stand out more. Two black horns sprouted from her head, curving upwards. Her nails sharpened, turning longer and larger, darkening to a near void black color, becoming more live large sickle-like blades. And to and it off, her teeth sharpened, and she grinned, her power forming a pair of black shades over her eyes.

"Absolute Chaos!" She said.

Hoka laughed nervously. Okay, so maybe this fight just got exceptionally harder within the span of a few minutes, but who cares?

Bouran practically vanished from her view, and Hoka barely managed to duck in time to avoid her claws.

She laughed maniacally, saying "What's wrong, Morikaga? Afraid of a little carnage?"

She continued laughing, Hoka turning to her.

"What's so funny?! Why are you laughing?! There is nothing funny!" Hoka shrieked, avoiding the next few attacks.

Bouran used her speed, rushing at her to grab her by her throat, throwing her against the ground. She then kicked her side, Hoka coughing as the air was forced from her lungs.

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