CHAPTER 26 || Verstappen? No!

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Sometime in July, 1998

Kimi strolls through the paddock. The 19-year-old replacement driver for Sauber, who races in Formula Renault, has no assignments yet and is looking around the paddock.

He doesn't have much to do with the drivers. Mika Hakkinen has accepted him as a kind of son, and Michael often looks after him, but he dislikes the others. Especially Jos Verstappen.

But through Michael he also got to know his protégé Sebastian. Kimi already knows that the 12-year-old will be driving in Formula 1 in a few years.

Next to Kimi, another young man emerges. Mark Webber, who has found a kind of mentor and father in David Coulthard and is thus often at the track with his brother Jenson Button, who is a test driver for McLaren.

The two friends exchange a few words and Mark once again points out the dinner with all the drivers. Kimi rolls his eyes. He has no desire for people.

Mark disappears into a side alley towards McLaren, which is his father's team. Kimi runs towards Sauber, passing the Stewart garage. There he sees a little boy.

"Bwoah, where do you belong?" Shows the Finn himself friendly. "My father left me alone." Murmurs the boy with tears in his eyes. Briefly Kimi looks overwhelmed and then says "Do you see the man by the Ferrari garage watching us. That's my Papa Michael. Go to him, kid, he'll take care of you."

"Who are you?" The boy asks. "My name is Kimi. Kimi Raikkonen. And you?" Says Kimi and the child shyly replies "Kevin Magnussen." Then Kevin runs to Michael, who immediately kneels down to be at eye level with him.

After all, little Kevin is only 5 years old.

Somewhat proud of himself and knowing that he now has a little brother, Kimi continues on his way. He does not plan to stop again and yet he does.

In front of him sits a baby. A little boy with a dummy in his mouth. He looks around anxiously and has tears running down his cheeks.

He definitely can't speak yet. Maybe one or two words, but no more. Kimi bends down and takes the boy in his arms. The baby clings to him, but doesn't do anything more than look around attentively.

In the onesie, Kimi finds the name. It says Max Verstappen. And what does Kimi do now? Hand over to Max Jos, who is walking past? Surely not! He takes the baby to his driver room and calls Michael. The Ferrari driver has a son himself.

"Do you wanna bring him back?" Is Michaels first question to his son. "What?! No!!" Kimi almost yells while covering Max's ears. "Well then, paljon onnea, you're a father Kimi." The older one shrugs his shoulders.

In the days that follow, Jos doesn't seem to notice that his son is missing. At some point Kimi gets the idea to ask Jos if he can simply give Max up for adoption. The end of the story? Max was put up for adoption a long time ago.

Someday in the May, 2001

Kimi sits in his driver room and watches Max, who excitedly lets the cars of Jenson, David, Michael, Mika, Nando and Kimi himself drive around the room. Kimi has built a race track for his son with pens and other stuff.

Even though Mika had offered it again and again, Kimi did not want to be supported financially. Besides, Mika and Michael also take care of Kevin, who is now 8 years old. And Mick is also still there. Just like Fernando, who has also been accepted into the Hakkinen-Schumacher family.

Max has two brothers with whom he can always play and Kevin loves his younger siblings more than anything. But Kimi and Nando also belong in his family. He has long been accustomed to calling Mika isä and Michael Papa.

For Max it is more complicated. Kimi is his isä, Mika his setä. Michael is also Onkel Michi, while Mick and Kevin are his brothers. Fernando, however, is also tío Nano, as is Uncle Jense.

"Where are you Kimi? The drivers' parade is starting!" Shouts Mika. "I'll be right there isä!" Shouts back the younger Finn. He grabs Max and hurries to the vehicle.

He puts Max on top before climbing on himself and taking Max by the hand. "There's Mika! And Michi! And Nano! And Jense too!" The boy shouts enthusiastically. "Calm down poika !" Laughs Kimi.

"And where is your jacket?" Kimi asks Max. He just chuckles and grins, "In the room." Kimi sighs. "But you were supposed to take it with you." He says. "But I didn't want to." Grumbles Max. "What if you take Kevin's?" Kimi asks. Max thinks for a moment and then nods.

Kevin, who had been listening, hands Max his jacket immediately. Kimi takes off his own jacket as well and hands it to his brother. "Well, we can't let you freeze here." He smiles and Kevin peers mischievously at him from the much too large jacket. "Kiitos." He murmurs and hops over to Mika who has been watching him with a smile.

But soon Kevin is on Mika's arm and lets his father show him everything. Max clings to Kimi's leg.

When it's Kimi's turn to interview, he strokes Max's hair. "And who is the young man with you?" The interviewer asks. "My son Max." Kimi replies, as taciturn as ever.

He is slowly driving his PR manager to despair, because he just doesn't give any long answers. "Isä ?" Max asks quietly. Kimi immediately leans down to him.

"Jos- Jos on täällä. Mitä me teemme? Minua pelottaa, isä." Whispers Max. "Kaikki on hyvin, Maxie. Olet poikani, hän ei voi satuttaa sinua. Olet Räikkönen, et Verstappen. Sinun ei tarvitse palata sinne. Ei enää koskaan. Ja paraatin jälkeen mennään jäätelölle, jooko? " Kimi tries to soothe his son. It works and he puts Max into his Arms. The little boy snuggles up to him and yawns before clothing his little eyes.

[ Jos- Jos is here. What do we do? I'm scared, isä || It's all right, Maxie. You're my son, he can't hurt you. You're a Raikkonen, not a Verstappen. You never have to go back there. Ever. And after the parade, we'll get ice cream, okay? ]

Both children on the drivers parade are happy. They have both found a family. People who care about them and love them unconditionally. Max Räikkönen and Kevin Häkkinen have a great family. A home.


Next one :)

A little background story of Max's Family.

Should I do other background stories too or something else??

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