CHAPTER 22 || Guess who's back?

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Friday evening, 20.10.2023

Max sits in his dimly lit room, the silence heavy around him, his mind awash with the news of his father figures' tragic passing. Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel, the seasoned champions who had mentored him through the twists and turns of his own racing journey, are now gone. The weight of their absence bore down on Max's heart, leaving him shattered and alone.

Memories are fleeting his mind, the laughter echoing in the paddock, the shared wisdom on the tracks, and the fierce battles that forged their unbreakable bond. Their passion for speed, their unyielding determination, and their unwavering camaraderie had been a guiding light for Max in the tumultuous world of Formula 1.

But now, enveloped in the solitude of his room, Max finds himself grappling with the stark reality that they were no more.

His eyes well up with tears, and a wrenching pain clenches his chest as he replays the last moments they had shared, the last advice they had imparted, and the unspoken understanding that had existed between them.

In the silence, Max feels a surge of emotions, a maelstrom of grief, gratitude, and a profound sense of loss. He is left to grapple with the overwhelming void that their absence had created, a void that seemed impossible to fill.

The hum of the racing world outside seems a distant echo, a ghostly reminder of the life that was moving forward, while his heart is still frozen in the disbelief of their departure.

As he sits there, lost in his thoughts, a flicker of determination ignites within him. A resolve to honor their legacy, to carry their spirit forward, and to let their teachings propel him to greater heights.

More and more memories flow through his head. How, as a little boy, he had given Kimi the sunflower and proudly said, "Look what I found for you isä!" Kimi had knelt down and hugged the little boy tightly and picked him up. He had also made Max a promise.

"This flower symbolises that I will always stay with you!" He had said. Fascinated, Max looked at him. "Always?" He asked. "Until after eternity!" Kimi promised him.

That's where the sunflower comes from. The single little sunflower standing next to a magnificent huge rose.

He is jolted out of his thoughts when Nando and Mark walk in. Formerly Ferrari and Red Bull. Kimi and Seb. Former Ferrari and Red Bull.

Furious, he throws the first best thing at the two. "Go away. Get out of here. I want Seb and Kimi. Fuck off! No, no, no! I want them back and only them. I WANT MY PARENTS BACK, THAT'S ALL!!! TAKE MY SEAT, MY FAMILY, MY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, GODDAMN IT, TAKE MY LIFE BUT BRING THEM BACK!!!" He cries, throwing more and more things at the two drivers.

The two withdraw at the outburst of emotions and Max feels more alone than ever. Screaming and crying, he destroys his whole hotel room and searches for something to forget the emptiness inside him.

When Daniel comes in and asks him what he wants, he would have loved to shout to the world that he would do ANYTHING to see his fathers again. But he doesn't do it.

He cries silently to himself and remains mute. He doesn't talk to anyone any more. Not to Danny, not to Mick, not to Pascal, not to Charles, not to you and not to me. He remains silent until today.


Max reaches into his hair and pulls lightly as he presses his hands tightly against his head. More and more memories press in on him until he falls to his knees crying.

At some point Charles comes in. He takes Max in his arms and together they cry. Squatting on the floor, wet and cold, sick and above all without any will to live. Without hesitation, the two would give their lives for those of Seb and Kimi.

Jos destroyed them completely. Did he really?

Charles left the room some time ago. When Daniil calls Max down and Max hears that Daniil has been crying, he becomes even sadder. The undertakers are there.

As Max goes downstairs, he stops on the stairs and clutches the wooden banister in shock. 'That can't be, can it? But how? And where? And why so long? What?'  He asks himself.

Tears run down the cheeks of everyone involved. The shock is great and no one understands what has happened. Max is the first to break out of his stupor.

"Isä ! You're alive!!! And Papa is here too!" He cries and starts to move.

He sprints down the stairs, misses a few steps, almost falls down but keeps stumbling until he jumps off the third step from the bottom and clings to the man in the stairwell.

Kimi hugs him and Seb also joins in the embrace. His arm has been doctored and all 4 brothers are now falling over their fathers, which is why the 6 are quickly on the floor.

Kimi and Seb should be murdered. Max's mental health was to be destroyed. Mick should have the ground ripped out from under his feet. Charles should drive so badly from grief that he crashes and preferably dies. Pascal should not be able to cope with death and push everyone away. That's how Jos planned it.

But it doesn't matter, because Kimi and Seb aren't dead. It doesn't matter because the kids are fine. It doesn't matter because Jos is in prison for attempted murder.


Next one :)

Couldn't do that to you guys any longer.

Any wishes for the next chapters?

I won't watch the sprint cause it's 01:00 in the morning (I just don't watch it because I don't have WiFi tho)


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