CHAPTER 16 || Secret Russians

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Actually, everything is fine. But only really. Because Danny's hand hurts more and more. Then he can't sleep in peace, he can't move his hand and he can't walk up and down stairs without constantly feeling waves of pain moving through his body.

So he runs to the kitchen to make himself something to eat. But there he almost has a heart attack. Because someone is sitting in the kitchen. Someone who is not a driver.

But Danny doesn't recognise the young man in front of him either. He is making breakfast and puts everything on a tray. As he turns around, the unknown man mumbles "For Mick!" And disappears in the direction of the bedrooms.

The Australian looks irritatedly at Nikita Mazepin. He didn't expect to see him again. Slightly amused, he stares briefly at the door through which the Russian had just passed and then takes a yoghurt to make himself something to eat.

As he tries to cut an apple, he takes a sharp intake of breath. A sharp pain spreads through his hand. Nevertheless, he bravely continues to cut his apple and mixes it with yoghurt together with sultanas.

He is really scared for his bowl because his hands suddenly start shaking uncontrollably. Romain sees this and gives him the tip "Don't stare at your hands, but fixate on what you feel with your fingers. Then you tighten your grip and the trembling of your hands will automatically decrease."

Danny nods at him gratefully and immediately follows the Swiss's instruction. When he has his fingers under control again, they quickly start shaking again. But this time because he has become terribly cold. Daniel sighs softly. He doesn't want to get sick at all.

He wraps himself in a blanket and drinks tea. Even if it's more of a 'I curl up really small and wait until the tea is cold and then complain that it's no longer warm'.

Max strides into the living room, his footsteps echoing through the tranquil space. There, he spots Daniel, his usually vibrant former teammate, curled up on the sofa, cocooned in a blanket. Concern etches Max's features as he approaches, noting Daniel's uncharacteristic stillness.

Max leans in, his voice soft yet urgent, "Daniel, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Daniel looks up, his eyes heavy with fatigue and worry. "I... I just feel so drained, Max. Everything's been getting to me lately. The hands won't stop shaking and I'm so fucking cold."

Thoughtfully, the Dutchman sits down with the other and tries to find a solution. When he sees Logan and Oscar playing catch outside in the garden, he gets an idea.

Max's brow furrows, and without hesitation, he reaches for his phone, tapping Daniil Kvyat's number. As the phone rings, Max's mind races with worry for his friend, hoping Daniil can provide some solace and support for Daniel.

Daniil on the other hand sits in his cozy living room, when his phone buzzing with an incoming call from Max Verstappen. With a smile, he answers, "Hey Max, what's up?"

Max's voice crackles through the phone, concern evident. "Daniil, it's about Daniel. He's not doing well. His broken wrist is really hurting him."

Worry fills Daniil's eyes as he thinks about his former teammate. "Is he okay, Max?"

Max sighs. "He's in a lot of pain, mate. He really needs you here with him."

Daniil's decision is instant. "I'm going to him. I'll catch the next flight out."

Max's relief is palpable through the phone. "Thanks, Daniil. It'll mean the world to him."

Surprisingly, Danny has not noticed any of this. Max strokes his hair comfortingly and Danny grumbles sadly. When the brown sad eyes look at him, he has to pull himself together not to sigh.

Daniil's heart races as his flight descents into the UK. The worry lines etches on his face deepened, knowing that his beloved Daniel is in pain. He clutches his phone, eyes flickering over the text from Max, urging him to hurry.

Upon reaching the F1 House, he finds the atmosphere tense. Concern etches every face as news of Daniel's health. Daniil's pulse quickens at the sight of Daniel wincing in pain. Their eyes meet, and a surge of emotions sweep through him, reaffirming their unspoken bond.

Max ushers Daniil to Daniel's side, allowing them a few precious moments alone. Daniil gently takes Daniel's uninjured hand, his voice barely a whisper, "I'm here, my love. You'll be alright."

Daniel manages a weak smile, the pain momentarily forgotten in the comfort of Daniil's presence. As they speak softly, memories of their secret romance play in their minds, the thrill of stolen moments and shared victories flooding back.

With a smile, Daniil slides to Daniel and pulls the smaller man into his arms. Danny snuggles up to him to doze, as he can't sleep because of the pain.

In another part of the house, Mick has been in his room all day without coming out. Sebastian Vettel, concerned for his young compatriot, decides to check in on Mick. He gently raps on the door, his worry palpable as he waits for a response. Inside, Mick's heart clenches in panic. He hastily scrambles to conceal the figure nestled under his bed, carefully hiding Nikita Mazepin from view. Mick forces a feeble smile onto his face and opens the door for Sebastian, hoping to keep up the façade of normalcy.

Sebastian steps into the room, his gaze scanning the dim interior. "Hey, Mick, how are you doing?" he inquires, his voice laced with genuine concern.

The young German shrugs, offering a half-hearted reply. "I'm okay, just a bit tired, you know."

Sebastian studies him intently, his instincts telling him that something isn't right. "Is there anything I can do to help? Anything you want to talk about?"

Mick shakes his head, his eyes flickering nervously towards the bed where Nikita lies hidden. He prays that the former racing driver won't notice anything amiss. After a brief exchange, Sebastian bids Mick farewell, promising to check in on him later. Mick's heart pounds in his chest as he waits for the door to close, his mind racing with the fear of discovery.

As soon as the door clicks shut, Nikita cautiously crawls out from beneath the bed, concern etched on his face. Mick starts to smile  at the sight of his beloved, his heart filling with warmth despite the weight of his troubles. Nikita wraps him in a comforting embrace, whispering words of reassurance and love, his touch a balm to Mick's troubled soul.

Mick clings to Nikita, allowing himself to be enveloped in the safety of their shared love. Nikita's unwavering support, his unwavering presence, is the sole reason Mick managed to endure such a day. They spend the rest of the afternoon with cuddling, until Nikita needs to go again.

How did he get out of the house unnoticed? He climbed out of the window, crawled through the bushes and then did a short sprint to trees to leave the compound with Mick's second passport. Mick knows Nikita has his second passport!

Well, Russians are apparently popular secret partners and do the job quite well.


Next one :)

Stroopwafel Army, it's time again. Time for new stories, winter Christmas magic, fluff with the drivers and to bring it all together: an ADVENT CALENDAR

But how should the advent calender look like? I thought about a story with the same pairs as the ones from this story. 25 chapters (more 27 with welcoming and a goodbye) with a Christmas F1 House. Many traditions, MUCH Fluff, funny little inchidents and chaos.

If you want something else please say it because I need to start writing the chapters the next week :)

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