CHAPTER 04 || The escape

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When Max wants to hide from Jos and Kelly, he runs into the first best room. It is the living room, which is completely trashed. With trembling hands, Max locks the door.

Searchingly he looks around, he doesn't have much time. He quickly runs to the sofa and kneels down in front of it. Nervously, he opens a secret compartment. He briefly considers whether he can fit in there himself, but it would take too long.

He takes the large backpack out of the compartment and grabs a plain, dark jacket and a wig. He puts on the wig and pulls on Porsche's jacket.

He puts on his backpack and climbs out of the broken window into the open. From his balcony he carefully drops onto Charles' and climbs the tree in front of Charles' balcony. Inside, he hears Charles arguing with someone, but he only briefly drops a note on the table.

Don't worry,
Take good care of Danny!
I have to hide from Jos.
Don't let Kelly in!!

Max, your biggest fan ;)

He slides down the trunk and immediately disappears into the darkness. He knows the streets of Monaco by heart through his constant forays.

Unnoticed, he moves forward and out of the city. He takes buses all the way to France. There he takes the train to Bordeaux. Then he takes the ICE [a German express train] through the whole of Germany to Hamburg. During the almost 13-hour journey, he booked a flight from Hamburg (GER) to Rovaniemi (FIN) at short notice using an account he had set up years ago especially for an escape.

At the airport, he comes through with a fake passport as Matias Daanikääje and sits in his seat with his heart pounding. He is very nervous the whole flight, but sets up his new smartphone. Since he has logically left his old one at home, he has to re-save all his contacts. He has written the most important numbers on a piece of paper. Lewis, Danny, Kimi, Seb, Charles, Pierre, Mick and Stoffel.

When they land in Rovaniemi, Max hurries away from the airport. Outside, he pulls a thick winter jacket out of his backpack and runs to the next stop.

By bus and train, he now head north for several hours at a time. From the official place where Father Christmas is supposed to live, he travels to Inari. From there he has to walk to his destination.

After just 20 minutes, the injuries make themselves felt. The young Dutchman sighs and stops. He frees a tree stump from the snow and sits on it. He pulls bandages out of his rucksack. He carefully cleans his wounds with the untouched snow and washes the blood from the wounds. He bandages everything and gets up to go on.

Max trudges through the deep snow of Finland, his breath visible in the frigid air. His ankle throbs with pain from an earlier fall, but fear propels him forward. He knows he must keep moving, keep putting distance between himself and his father. He is still scared, that Jos followed him.

The dense forest offers some cover, the towering pine trees providing a temporary shield from the biting cold. Max's heart races as he recalls the argument that led him to this desperate escape. His father's and his ex-girlfriend's anger had boiled over, and they had lashed out, leaving Max injured and terrified.

Hours pass, and Max's steps grow heavier. The snow seems endless, and the landscape unforgiving. The only sound is the crunch of his boots against the frozen ground. He wonders if he's lost, if he'll ever find help in this desolate wilderness.

But then, a glimmer of hope. Through the trees, Max spots a distant cabin. His body aches, but he pushes forward, his determination to reach safety overpowering the pain.

But he has forgotten one thing. There is a lake in front of the hut. And he has to go around it first. He takes the unsafe shorter route, which is 9km long. The longer path is 17km long and he wouldn't make it. He knows that.

He grits his teeth and keeps going. Step by step. As he climbs over a rock, a wound reopens and the snow turns red. But Max keeps walking. On and on and on.

"Oh fuck that shit." He escapes quietly before talking himself up while balancing precariously over tree trunks. "So long, to the kid that I used to know, So long to the place that I used to go, I'm not another sick, sad tradegy. I'm letting go and living in freedom. I'm not dying inside!"

With difficulty, he continues to walk with a limp, fearfully crossing one of the many small bridges that crack ominously. He quickly jumps to the other side and whimpers in pain.

After what feels like hours, he reaches the cabin, exhausted, injured and scared. With trembling hands he opens the door and goes inside. He has just closed the door when someone says, "I knew I would find you here, son.

He hadn't made it.


Next one :)

A little cut in the end.

Will he escape Jos?

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