CHAPTER 15 || New one

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In a bad mood, Max trudges downstairs for breakfast. The only positive thing about this rainy, dreary day is that Mick moves into the house. The third driver even gets a room to himself for the time being.

After the drivers have returned to the UK from Finland, Romain and Jenson have unceremoniously decided to stay in the house. So now there are already 22 people, as soon as Mick steps through the door they are 23.

When the bell rings, the younger ones are almost fighting and greet Mick enthusiastically with loud shouting. As they don't get any quieter, Nando, who has a headache, finally sends them into time-out.

So now they stand with their heads to the wall and scowl at it for the next 30 minutes. Max is in an even worse mood because of it. Then, when someone has eaten his favourite cereal, it's over. Not even Charles dares to address the Dutchman. Only Daniel dares to even look him in the eye.

While Mick happily unpacks, Max glares at everyone who looks in his direction and makes stupid comments. Oscar counters, but the rest just accepts it.

As things get worse, Charles calls Seb. Everyone gives the Red Bull driver a wide berth, who feels alone and is therefore in an even worse mood. He also misses his parents. Christian gives the drivers advice.

"Don't take what he says to heart. He feels alone and is afraid of being forgotten. He has simply been physically separated from Kimi for too long. But he also misses Seb. Make him understand that you are there for him and support him!" Christian says to Lewis, who nods and passes it on to the rest.

Max is in his room by now and has barricaded himself there. Only Danny comes in and out. Unfortunately, he can't do much either, except make sure Max drinks and eats enough.

When Kimi and Seb finally arrive, the rest are almost afraid to meet Max. Because all they hear from the Red Bull room is screaming and things breaking. When Kimi opens the door he sees Max having a tantrum and Danny sitting relaxed on the bed reading a book.

But when the youngest sees his fathers, he is immediately quiet and looks at them uncertainly. The two enter and close the door. Max just runs to them and hugs them tightly. With a smile, the two hug him too and then lie down on the bed with their son. Max immediately snuggles up to them and is asleep a short time later.

Because of this incident and for other reasons, they are now allowed to live in the house. They don't have to tell the FIA that they would have moved in anyway. But with mum and dad it's a bit quieter and more orderly in the house anyway. Or rather with Mama and isä.


Next one :)

No, I didn't woke up very early (05:40am)
I just didn't slept. That's probably why this chapter is shit but okay

Any wishes for the next chapters or which ships should get together or do something?

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