CHAPTER 24 || Problems

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Romain wakes up abruptly, drenched in sweat, his heart racing from the remnants of a terrifying nightmare. As he tries to calm his racing thoughts, the dull throbbing pain from the scars of the Bahrain crash intensifies, a painful reminder of the ordeal he endured in 2020.

Cautiously, he gets out of bed, careful not to disturb anyone. With a lingering ache in his body, he tiptoes down the hallway, navigating the shadows to reach Jenson's room. The need for caution weighs heavily on his mind, conscious of the secrecy shrouding their relationship.

Reaching the Brits door, he softly taps on it, hoping to find solace in the embrace of the other. Jenson, stirred from his sleep, opens the door with a concerned look, immediately understanding the distress etched on Romain's face. They exchange a silent, understanding glance, their bond unspoken yet profound.

As Romain enters the room, Jenson's comforting presence envelops him, soothing his troubled mind. They sit in the dim light, sharing whispers of comfort and reassurance, their affection a sanctuary from the outside world. Despite the pain and secrecy, their connection remains steadfast, a source of solace in the darkness of the night.

Even when they wake up later in the morning, the pain of the younger one is still strongly present. Romain just snuggles up to the others, not seeing the oldest Australian standing in the doorway.

"You hurt so much Jense. I can't even give you a decent hug." Whimpers the former Haas driver and Jenson mutters "I know darling. Let's get some more sleep." Even though he doesn't want to admit it, he is very worried about Romain.

"I'm signing you off the general programme today. Be happy, then you won't have to see Massa." It comes quietly from the door and Jenson looks there, perplexed.

Mark nods once to his friend and then runs towards the kitchen to let Lewis know that Jenson doesn't want to be disturbed.

Not long after breakfast, the next problem arises. Even if it seems so inconspicuous at the beginning, it quickly degenerates.

George and Mick are in the Mercedes room playing something. When Max comes in, they look up briefly to smile at him, but say nothing.

"I know why you're not as popular with the fans as Charles." Max announces to the Brit. He looks rather irritated. "You're just too perfect. They are jealous of you." The Red Bull driver explains.

Mick raises his eyebrows and mutters "Ah ja." And 'Ah ja' is the most sceptical expression there is in the German vocabulary.

"I'll take that as a compliment, if that's all right?" George asks and Max looks at him like a car. "Sorry!" Apologises the Mercedes driver immediately and Max mutters "It's getting worse and worse."

"Max, nobody is perfect. Not even me." George tries to gently teach the other. "But they're jealous of you because you're perfect, I'm just the bad guy." Max says dejectedly.

"No Max, they are jealous of you too. Jos is your biological father, yes, but the family in your heart has Seb and Kimi as fathers. You have Pascal, Mick, definitely Charles and everyone else here. Daniel, Pierre, Alex, Daniil, Checo, Lando, Carlos, Esteban and me. You don't have to be perfect, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. We love you just the same. Some like a son, some like a brother, some like a good friend and Charles as a boyfriend. We accept you with your quirks and faults."

Max says bitterly "I'm still the bad guy though." George tells Mick to step outside for a moment and then says to Max. "Max, I don't know anyone more selfless than you. No matter how you're complimented, you blame it on others. Be it Mick helping Nikita or Nico being there for Kevin. Whenever something bad happens, you take it on yourself.

Charles can cry on your shoulder, Daniel can seek comfort with you, Lando can get angry with you, Carlos can cry with you. But who can you do all that with? You don't have a person to take the burden off your shoulders. Most of them have enough problems of their own, Charles drives for Ferrari and you think you are enough of a burden for Kimi and Seb. Besides, they've also had big traumatic experiences. Who is there for you?"

"No one. But I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Smiles Max, but George can see the pain in his eyes. "You're the first one who realizes that." Max now says. "No, Kimi and Seb knows. But they don't want to push you. You know what happened last time." Disagrees George with him.

Oh yes, Max remembers the last time only too well. He had had nightmares for months and hadn't spoken to Kimi for several weeks. The first few days he didn't even eat anything.

"From now on you always come to me okay?" George asks cautiously and Max nods with a weak smile.

He drops onto George and snuggles up to him. He mumbles another "I love you Grotere broer." And then closes his eyes. "I love you too little brother!" George mumbles before closing his eyes.

However, the day gets worse.


Next one :)

NO ONE DIES NEXT CHAPTER, I PROMISE!! I couldn't take that.

WHAT WAS THAT RACE??!! I nearly cried because of the roller-coaster of emotions 😭

Oscar out in the first lap, Lewis didn't got the podium and he and Charles were disqualified. I think I jinxed it guys 😬😬

That was a hell out of a race. One of the worst for my mental health smh. Bahrain 2020 was even worse tho!

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