CHAPTER 09 || Räikkönen Family

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At the hotel there is the next problem. Seb and Kimi are not coming into the house. But first they have to teach their two kids that. And that becomes more difficult than expected.

The four of them are in Charles' hotel room and have a family meeting. The younger two are still sitting on the bed, completely relaxed.

"Kinners, time to talk." Sighs Seb and sits down on the edge of the bed. Kimi does the same. "That rarely means anything good." Max murmurs worriedly.

"We know that you are very excited about the house. And that's understandable. But there's a problem." Seb tries to break it to them gently.

"But why? It's all good, isn't it? It's going to be fun!" Charles says confused and Max also looks incomprehensible. "Exactly! And you'll see the rest more again too." The older one adds.

Kimi and Seb look at each other uncertainly before the Finn says as gently as he can "Bwoah We're sorry guys, but we won't be there. We are not active drivers."

Max jumps up and storms out of the room. "I'm sorry." Says Kimi dejectedly. Charles smiles weakly at him with tears in his eyes and mutters "It's not your fault. It should have been obvious to us that you wouldn't be there."

Seb strokes the Monegasque's hair and whispers, "We'll come visit you after all. And Max too. We won't leave you alone just because you live in a big shared flat with the other drivers."

Kimi has already left the room. Seb doesn't know if he went to Max, but it's unrealistic. Max needs his rest after such news and especially doesn't want to see the trigger of his sadness.

"I'm going to see Max." Charles murmurs and straightens up. The German sighs and nods. As the two leave the younger man's hotel room, Seb does not go to his room on the right, but to Kimi's on the left.

As he walks past Max's hotel room, he sees the two of them cuddling on the bed. Max has laid himself across the smaller one and now uses him as a cuddly toy and pillow.

With a small smile, he closes the ajar door and walks on to Kimi. There he knocks on the door and waits for the older one to open it.

When Kimi opens the door, Seb is briefly in a stupor. Lewis, who is walking past, nudges Seb in the back and says with a grin, "You can stare at Kimi's torso in the room, you don't have to do it in the corridor." And continues walking.

Kimi steps aside without comment and lets Seb in. He first has to come to terms with the fact that Kimi has opened the door to him shirtless, with hair still wet from the shower and only a pair of shorts.

"What did I do to deserve this visit?" Kimi enquires, closing the door behind him again. Seb mutters, "I have to do something that's been overdue for years." With raised eyebrows, the older man looks at him. "And that would be?"

Seb lowers his eyes and mumbles "The thing with the decision." Kimi laughs bitterly. "And you're coming with that now? Where you've lost your wife in any case, and me too, actually."

"Kimi...It's definitely not like that! Please believe me. I just had to come to terms with being with a woman I never really loved for years and having feelings for my best friend on top of that." Seb says. Kimi is silent and then asks, "And that took you how long? 4 years? 5?"

"I honestly spent most of the time explaining to Hanna that just because she says no doesn't mean we're still together." Grumbles Seb. Kimi looks at him confused. "How am I to understand that now?" He asks. "It's simple. Hanna doesn't find it funny at all that I want to divorce her and refuses to sign the papers. She says that if I were to go to you or have a relationship with you, she would leak it to the press. And that would destroy your image and you would have many enemies."

"And you don't or what?" The Finn inquires and Sebastian sighs "She would make you the bad guy. That you force me into a relationship or something." Kimi sees the desperation in his eyes.

"So that's why she hates me. She knew from the start that your heart belongs to me and not her." Laughs Kimi quietly with a sneer. Seb confirms "She knew exactly that you would steal me away from her sooner or later."

"Wait a minute! So she was blackmailing you?!" The Finn asks tensely. Seb nods dejectedly. Immediately the younger one is pulled into a tight hug. He rests his head against Kimi's shoulder and sniffles a few times while putting his arms around the other.

"Come on Seb, fuck my reputation, fuck my image! You and the kids are more important!" The older man murmurs and kisses Seb gently on the hair. Seb smiles tiredly and wraps his arms even tighter around his Kimi.

"Do you love me?" Seb murmurs, already half asleep. Standing up, well noted. "For years." Gives Kimi the obvious answer. "That's good, because I love you too." Mumbles Seb and Kimi laughs softly. "I know you do." The introverted answers.

Kimi falls backwards onto the bed and pulls Seb onto his chest. Seb yawns tiredly and snuggles trustingly against the other before dozing off in no time.

After less than 10 minutes, however, he has to interrupt his dozing because he gets a call. While he hums his answer and sits down, Kimi grumbles softly and rests his head on Seb's shoulder.

"Who was it?" He asks as Seb hangs up. "Charles. Max had a nightmare and they want to see us." Explains the German. "Grandiose. And away goes the togetherness." Murmurs Ferrari's last world champion, but it is easy to tell from his voice that he is not angry.

Shortly afterwards Charles and Max are standing in front of them. Both are very frightened and immediately crawl under the covers to snuggle up close to their parents.

Seb reads another goodnight story and they both briefly check whether the younger two are really asleep. Kimi immediately puts an arm around Seb's waist to pull him close.

"Good night kulta." He whispers and buries his face in Seb's hair. "Good night Liebling." Whispers Seb back.

There they sleep now, the Raikkonen family. And indeed, all is well now.


Next one :)


What happened to Ferrari 😭
Carlos didn't start :(



I'm a little bit worried about Logan 😰😞

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