Theo's Assent | Chapter XI [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]

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"I sometimes think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability."

Oscar Wilde

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The crowd of bears and furries stirred as the three touched lightly to the ground. Theo still in a daze at having flown over such a fantasmal looking city. He gazed wide eyed at the crowd of curious creatures, and instinctively took a nervous step backwards, feeling rather intimidated at all the attention he was receiving.

He looked to Grumpy, who had gone a similar transformation as Tenderheart, except his fur was a deep blue, rather than the soft, chocolate brown color of his companion.

From Grumpy's pleased expression, he followed the blue bear's gaze towards the crowd, and was able to take a closer look at who stood in front of him.

Several Care Bears stood in front of him, all hosting various symbols on their stomachs as all of the people in front of him bore no clothing, their fur and hair seeming to cover any private areas on their bodies that they might wish to keep out of obvious view.

One in particular stepped forward, a blue Care Bear with an interesting combination of cuddly bear features and rabbit ears stepped forward, grinning cheekily at him and holding up a small pocket mirror.

She spoke up, her feminine voice a cheery and boisterous like tone as her words passed swiftly over her tongue,"Welcome to Care-a-Lot Theo! Have a look at your new get-up sport!"

Theo peered at the mirror, and gasped, looking down at his hands, no... he thought, I have paws now!

He looked himself up and down, turning around and spinning several times. He had a little bear tail poking out of his padded rump! And paws! And a fluffy stomach! Reaching up to his face, he pawed at his new complexion, fit with a large nose, muzzle, and picking at his teeth he found that he had also acquired an impressive pair of new chompers.

"I... I can't believe all this... How... Well I guess... Wow... I'm..."

"Lost for words? Unable to speak? Flabbergasted?" offered the blue rabbit Care Bear in front of him, giggling at him sweetly as she seemed to obviously be delighted by his shock.

Theo looked at her, then smiled shyly, whispering aloud in an almost awed tone as he recognized the winged heart decorated across her stomach,"You're... Swiftheart!"

She beamed at him, obviously pleased that he had recognized her,"The one and only!" He hoped in place, her arms in the air as she presented herself with a little flair, her eyes sparkling with friendliness.

Theo couldn't help but half-grin, half blush back at her obvious spunk and energy. He looked around at the others gathered, he all smiled at him in kind. A warm feeling, bubbled up in the newly-made bear's chest. He almost couldn't handle the genuine and pure welcome he was receiving, even the rather dark looking winged wolf was showing off his pearly teeth at him, his sunset color eyes sparkling, and the lions present too seemed to be delighted that he had arrived.

Something nagged at the back of his mind, and quickly he remembered the specific type of clothing he had been clad in a while back. He looked down, and immediately flushed bright red as he attempted to cover his still obvious Grumpy diapers with his paws.

He felt a fluffy paw grasp his shoulder comfortingly, and he looked up to see Tenderheart smiling down at him, pointing to his own diapered front, which Theo had not noticed he had adorned until then.

"Don't worry Theodore! Here in Care-A-Lot nobody's going to judge you for your little preferences! The people here totally understand that you feel like a little baby bear. We're still padded up too you know, hehe"

Theo glanced down at Grumpy's and Tenderheart's waists. The friendly brown Care Bear was right, the two stood there sporting the same crinkly outfit as him.

Hesitantly, he righted himself, moving his paws away from covering his obvious diapers. He looked up at the crowd, hearing several bouts of, "Awwww!" coming from them as they seemed to take in a collective breath. As though on queue, all of the Care Bears and furs present raised their arms excitedly into the air, and shouted.


Before he had time to properly react, he found himself being fiercely embraced by the rabbit Care Bear who had just a moment ago been in front of him. Her swiftness took him aback, and he let out a small gasp as she grasped him tightly, her large ears flopping into his muzzle as she did so.

"I'm so happy you were able to make it, Theo! I was so excited for you to be able to join us at last! You're going to love it here!"

Her tight hug was beginning to constrain his breath, and Theo looked panickedly to Tenderheart for help, who seemed to have a hard time suppressing his smile.

"That's enough now Swiftheart, can't have our new bear visiting the infirmary with cracked ribs on his very first day now, can we?"

Slowly she retracted her embrace, looking a little sheepish at possibly having made Theo feel uncomfortable but still smiling up at him happily. Her small bunny tail wiggling a mile a minute behind her, betraying her obvious joy at his arrival.

The crowd had now slowly begun to disperse, various Care Bears slowly floating up into the sky on cloudy ships and other furries simply padding away, the winged wolf even taking a running start into the sky before almost shooting away, his speed surprising for his heavy gait.

One particular Care Bear seemed to loiter around though, he walked over to the group of four, smiling confidently with a skip in his step. A green shamrock was displayed on his stomach, and his winning smile made it seem as if he had the entire world on a string.

Theo's mind reeled, he'd recognize that swagger anywhere, this has to be Good Luck Bear! I can't believe I actually get to meet him! His heart jumped up to his throat in excitement, as the Care Bear drew nearer to the group, speaking up.

"Well, well, well, it's about time you got here! I was beginning to wonder if old Grumpy's misfortunate streak was causing the weather to delay you guys even more!" He grinned innocently at Grumpy, who merely rolled his eyes back at him, smiling coily back at him.

The green Care Bear opened his arms, and Theo allowed him to give him a more gentler hug than Swiftheart had, still blushing a little at all the attention he was receiving.

Theo's Assent [ABDL/Diapers/CareBears/Fantasy/Human]Where stories live. Discover now