Theo's Assent | Chapter III [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]

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"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

Oscar Wilde

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"Well he does look cute all curled up and padded, it's just a shame he can't seem to be able to enjoy it properly."

"Keep your voice down, some people have an acute sense of hearing you know, even when they're sleeping!"

"Yeah yeah, alright. But if he can sleep through this storm, he can probably sleep through a hushed conversation."

Theo's eyes shot open, wide awake. He looked across the room to the window, underneath which sat a table and a few chairs. In two of them sat two men. Furthest from him reclined a brown haired, amber eyed individual wearing a pair of black jeans and a dirt colored shirt with a heart on it. In the other, a person with hair and eyes the color of a summer sky on a sweltering day was dressed similarly to the other person except his blue shirt sported a rain cloud with raindrops and hearts falling from it.

Theo tensed and so did they, their eyes moving to his, as the brown haired individual held a half raised coffee mug to his pursed lips.


Theo scrambled to his feet and spit out his pacifier, he glanced down, remembering the clothing he was wearing and moved swiftly behind his couch in an attempt to both hide his garments and put an obstacle between the men and him . However, the two men didn't seem bothered by his interesting choice of apparel.

The blue haired individual stood up and put his arms up in a calming gesture, while the other set down his tea cup, Theo's own coffee mug he realized to his further indignation.

The man standing spoke, "Relax, we're not here to hurt you or do anything bad to you. We sensed that you were in great distress and came to help-"

"Get out of my house now or I'm calling the police!"

Theo was slowly backing away from them into the kitchen, where he had left his cell phone to charge. He'd call the police and get these freaks out of his house. He realized that the police would probably see him in his childish get up. This caused him some pause, which the brown haired man seemed to notice and take advantage of.

Standing up he said, "You know, it's okay to want to be treated like a baby and wear diapers."

Theo stopped shuffling back, suddenly red hot anger flushed his cheeks and he roared back.


Halfway through his exclamation his voice broke, and he stood in silence, breathing heavily and feeling as if he were on the brink of tears.

The blue haired man sighed, and walked over to where Theo's rejected pacifier lay sadly in a corner.

"I understand you're feeling alarmed and upset by our sudden appearance, but please calm down a little. Allow us to explain who we are and why we are here, and after you let us give our bit and you still want us out of your house, we will leave and never come back again. I wholeheartedly promise."

Something about the sincerity of the man seemed to lower Theo's anger by a few notches, and his embarrassment to his clothing returned slightly. The thought of sitting down in front of these two people wearing nothing but some socks, a diaper concealed poorly by his onesie made him squirm.

Almost as if he were able to read Theo's distressed thoughts, the brown haired man added, "We're not here to judge you, we just came here to try and help you out. My name is Tenderheart, and we call my compatriot here Grumpy. And, believe it or not, we're the Care Bears. They made a television show after us which you may be familiar with, seeing how you're wearing Grumpy's own design of diapers. Besides, you were a fan when you were younger if I remember correctly."

"Glad to see somebody enjoying my absorbent engineering!" Grumpy added, smiling broadly at Theo as he took a seat on the couch.

"Your. . . what?" Theo was puzzled, did this man really have some sort of role in the design of the diaper he was wearing? He shook his head, "That isn't important right now, there are strangers in my house!"

Deciding to negotiate before he called the police, he carefully walked back over to the couch and sat at the opposite end to where Grumpy reclined, his eyes narrowed wearily.

"Fine. What do you want?" he said curtly, still on high alert and irritated by these men's interruption of what should have been a blissful evening.

"What we want isn't all that important, it's what you want that we're interested in." replied Tenderheart. The man's voice was friendly yet firm, a bit akin to the sound of wet gravel his words cut through the air. Not loudly, but in a loud enough tone that even the most narcissistic speaker would hush up to listen.

Grumpy nodded in agreement, smiling at Theo, who was still unnerved by everything.

"You honestly expect me to believe that they made the Care Bear's brand after you guys? Like just because you show up wearing their shirts, call yourselves after the, and even dye your own hair," he gestured vaguely at Grumpy, his attention fixed on Tenderheart, "I'm supposed to buy it? Come on, I wasn't born yesterday."

He began to work himself up, his fury from a few minutes ago returning,"Is it money you want? Information? Well if so you picked the wrong person's place to break into because I barely have enough money to buy food for myself, I'm in college."

Grumpy shook his head, his smiling waning and a serious expression coming on to face,"You're missing what we're trying to tell you because you're still distracted by fear, which is the point we're trying to tell you. We came here because we sensed that you were having a great difficulty. A difficulty in accepting who you are as a person. We wanted to come here to tell you that it's okay to still feel like a little baby, and even indulge in some of the activities of an infant, like dressing up in baby clothes, wearing diapers, drinking from baby bottles, and even using your diapers. Sure it's not what everybody is into, but that doesn't make it wrong or bad. It just means you need a little bit more care and love from the people around you, and do any of those things sound bad?"

Theodore was having serious difficulty processing the things that were being said to him. His impression that the men were invading his home was wavering as the things the blue haired man spoke rang true with him. He did have an internal struggle with this aspect of him, he had not dared indulge in it recently after, in a moment of courage, he'd decided to make a few purchases with his birthday money.

Theo's Assent [ABDL/Diapers/CareBears/Fantasy/Human]Where stories live. Discover now