Theo's Assent | Chapter X [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]

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Theo watched in awe as the cube's flashing turned into a rate so rapid it soon began to look as if it were glowing solidly. Then, Theo felt the strangest sensation he had ever experienced in his life, one that he had fantasized many times too.

Theo felt weightless. He looked at Grumpy who had slowly begun to float a few inches off of his bedroom floor. He looked down and saw that he too along with Tenderheart was floating above the ground.

Theo laughed with joy and wonder, these people really out of this world!

Grumpy opened the window a little wider, and floated out, turning back to smile down at the two still in the bedroom with an expression equivalent to a cat who had just caught an extraordinarily fat rat.

Tenderheart wrapped an arm around Theo, who had begun to shake a little bit in the cold rain now almost pouring into his bedroom, and squeezed him comfortingly.

And with that, they too floated out of the window, and after they had caught up with Grumpy, the two Care Bears looked up, and shot skywards, jolting Theo up with them as they accelerated into the heavens.

Theo, understandably, began to yell in both fear and exhilaration. Looking down he saw his small slice of suburbia shrinking down beneath him. The rain hit his face painfully like little icey rods striking his skin. He sniffled, and had to narrow his eyes until he barely saw anything as the wind rushed around and against him.

Theo had never felt something so exciting and terrifying before in his life. Suddenly the rain stopped hitting his skin, and he opened his eyes. Stars glistened around him, and he saw with astonishment that the three now floated above the clouds.

Soft flashes of light illuminated the cloudy floor beneath him as grumbles of thunder followed them, like a soft white carpet with lightening bugs hiding amongst its fibers. Theodore looked up, and a sky pregnant with stars created him. He gasped, not knowing whether it was from the thin atmosphere or the sight that he beheld.

Above them, Theo noticed a small group of stars that seemed to twinkle more than the others, then as they approached he saw that it looked like some sort of fabric was flapping in the wind covered in those stars.

Like a sliver of the blanket that covered the night sky, a small wound seemed to be cut into the night sky. The three headed towards it, and much more quickly than he expected hurtled through it onto the other side of the cut in reality.

Theodore looked down, and gasped in awe once more, but this time, his amazement had merit outside of anything he had ever seen in his life.

A giant, glistening city of ocean blue skyscrapers covered with overflowing green gardens and trees stood magnificently resting in the clouds. Cheerily lit Theo saw many fingers of various shapes and sizes milling amongst the many gardens, parks, and fountains that littered the spaces between the buildings, which were bigger than any skyscraper he had ever seen in his own city.

The three began to descend down towards a small patch of scattered trees and grassy fields, illuminated by a few lampposts standing like lone bastions randomly in the little patch of park.

Beneath them Theo saw a group of... are those... Are those actually furries? Theo was in awe of what he saw, several anthropomorphic bears stood tall amongst the crowd, as well as a few other creatures including a lion, a few felines, and even what looked like a wolf with wings.

Theo looked to Tenderheart, and almost screamed right in his ear, his eyes widening in complete shock.

The man named Tenderheart was no longer there, instead a brown-furred, quite friendly looking bear smiled happily back at him, he spoke up, his voice now containing a slightly lighter, more calming rumble than his human counterpart had.

"Welcome to Care-A-Lot, Theo. The city in the clouds."

Theo's Assent [ABDL/Diapers/CareBears/Fantasy/Human]Where stories live. Discover now