Theo's Assent | Chapter VI [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]

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Theo gaped, almost as surprised as when he had seen the odd instruments lodged in their sternums. Having been more focused on the fact that his house had intruders in it, he had not noticed the now quite obvious diaper bulge outlining the waist area of their jeans, giving their backsides a thick, rounded appearance.

Grumpy chuckled, a sound which felt like warm summer rain, dripping down your back and arms and reminding you that the world still had style in it. "I get why you enjoy this, I don't think I'm more comfortable sitting anywhere than when I am diapered!"

Tenderheart nodded in agreement,"There's a lot of merit to your lifestyle, Theo. I don't think I've felt more relaxed than when I'm wearing these. They provide a great sense of security!"

Theo could only smile nervously and a little incredulously back, still abashed at their complete lack of discomfort. A pressure began to build on his bladder but he ignored it, slowly becoming fascinated with the confidence these two men were displaying that he himself wished he possessed, one he wished he could gain from acceptance.

Tentatively, he spoke up, for the first time in a non-combative tone, "Okay, so you guys go around helping people and making them feel better about themselves and others, kind of like in the show. But how am I supposed to become accepting of myself if you just talk to me? Like, are you going to use magic to change the way my brain works?"

A laugh erupted from Tenderheart, surprising both Theo and Grumpy; they looked at him slightly bewildered. Tenderheart grasped the table with one hand and wiped a tear with the other, his laughter shaking his shoulders as he bellowed in amusement.

After a minute he managed to compose himself, but was still grinning when he said, "No silly! Magic can't just change your brain! First of all, only science has any significant effects on your head and even then the results are usually mixed. No, I can't just wave my hand and change the way you behave or think, at least not concretely."

Grumpy nodded, and looked back at Theo, affirming what Tenderheart was saying. His own amused expression creeping back into his face.

Tenderheart continued,"No, that's not how we work. We're taking you to Care-A-Lot." Theo shifted, his body telling him that a bathroom break was probably in order quite soon.

Grumpy frowned, his mouth still fixed in a slight smirk. "Need to use the potty, kiddo?" he asked, a joking but not unkind tone in his voice.

Theo reddened, and a slight pain surged up in his abdomen. "Uhh. . . I believe so. . . yes. . ." he replied sheepishly, embarrassed yet impressed at Grumpy's sense of perception.

"Well what are you waiting for, babies can use their diapers after all it's what they're supposed to do!" chirped Grumpy, as Theo's face turned from a slight red to what could have been interpreted as an impressive attempt to become a tomato.

A part of him loved being talked to like he was just a small child. He really did enjoy the attention and almost forced nature of his treatment, as just a helpless little baby. Still, he could not help feel the shame that came along as he realized that he was displaying obvious signs of needing to go to the bathroom while wearing a bathroom designed for people much, much younger than he.

Theo was about to protest that it was quite alright, he was perfectly capable of getting up and using the bathroom himself when something unexpected happened.

He leaned forward reflexively, the pain in his lower stomach reaching an unexpectedly painful peak, and his control vanished.

To his horror, his bottom let loose and he began to uncontrollably mess his into his diapers, wetting them in addition as the laxatives he had taken a short while previously kicked in. Utter humiliation and shame filled him, as the mess he sat on spread out into the front and back of his diaper, his heavy wetting significantly increasing the bulge at the front of his onesie, making it obvious to the world that he was, in fact, in a very used diaper.

To his surprise, neither Tenderheart nor Grumpy reacted. They said nothing, did nothing; Theo couldn't bring himself to look up at them, fearing for what he might see. Disgust? Fear? Hatred? Oh God, he couldn't take such a judgement. Finding that this was all too much for him to handle, Theo broke down into tears. Bringing his legs onto the couch he buried his face into his arms and sobbed.

Warm arms enveloped him from the front and behind, and he tensed briefly before allowing the two to embrace him. They spoke soft, kind words, and Theo let himself be cooed at while his emotions spilled out of him in the form of tears and sniffles.

Theo's Assent [ABDL/Diapers/CareBears/Fantasy/Human]Where stories live. Discover now