Theo's Assent | Chapter VIII [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]

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Although fleeting, Theo noticed his elated feelings as they passed, and wondered if he were able to ever relax enough to feel like that more often, perhaps even all the time.

Grumpy spoke up, "I don't know about you two, but I'm feeling a little peckish. How about I whip something up in the kitchen, hmm?"

Tenderheart nodded, and rubbed his stomach comically. "I think this tummy's hankering after a little sustenance as well, what about you Theo. Shall we have something?"

Theo hesitated for a second, stuttering, "Urhm... I don't really have much in the house at the moment, so I can't really offer you too much."

"Who said you would be offering us anything?" Grumpy piped up, poking Theo in the shoulder affectionately and smiling at him cheekily. "I happen to be one of the best chefs in Care-A-Lot thank you very much and I shan't have my name tarnished by the likes of you two."

Grumpy placed a gentle hand each on the small of their backs and steered them out of Theo's bedroom and down the stairs, where he instructed them to sit down on the couch while he "colonizes the kitchen."

Tenderheart shook his head at Theo, smiling at Grumpy's histrionic behavior while the sound of pots and pans came clattering from the kitchen behind Theo.

"Best not look too closely as to what he's doing, he gets a little uppity when he suspects people attempting to judge the quality of his work." Tenderheart stated, as Theo craned his neck from his seat on the couch to try and see what Grumpy was up to.

Theo turned around, grinning nervously but retained his attention on Tenderheart next to him. Bringing his feet up on the couch, Tenderheart laid against the armrest of the couch and gestured for Theo to do the same.

Gingerly Theo followed suit, cringing a little at the obvious crinkling of his underpants.

Tenderheart chuckled a little, "Seems like I forgot to button up your onesie after we changed you! Here let me get it."

He leaned forward, and Theo instinctively drew away bringing his legs up in front of his diaper.

Tenderheart looked up at him, a hint of sadness in his facial expression as he said softly, "Theo it's okay, you can trust me. I'm not going to do anything to hurt you."

Theo, who had tensed up at Tenderheart's forward movement, softened and a tinge of guilt hit him. The man before him really wasn't behaving too unreasonably, it was Theo that was overreacting. He slowly lowered his legs, and allowed the slightly relieved looking Tenderheart to snap his buttons up, the onesie now pleasantly supporting his diapered bottom.

"There we go, much better. Now then, we should probably discuss what we'll be doing together in Care-A-Lot."

Theo's attention perked up, as he was still very curious as to what and where this Care-A-Lot was. Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask if Tenderheart was being serious about its existence, he was interrupted by Grumpy's entrance with a tray of food.

"Messieurs, la nourriture est arrivée!" he exclaimed in a quite badly butchered French accent. The food he set down on the coffee contrasted his attempts at linguistics; Theo gawked at what was set before him.

Two baskets full of chicken tenders, several plates overflowing with grilled cheese, a large bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pitcher filled with chocolate milk, and to top it all off a large bowl filled with bite sized pieces of fruits and berries.

"How did you... Where did you... Last time I checked I didn't have any of this in the kitchen!" Theo exclaimed, his mouth immediately beginning to water as the creamy smell of macaroni and cheese hit his nostrils, accompanied by the savory scent of the chicken tenders.

"Don't talk, eat you." Grumpy chided, his smiling however betraying the mock sternness in his voice as grabbing a plate off of the tray he began to load it up with the child's bounty he had brought to them.

Theo received a steaming plate filled with his favorites, a grilled cheese and two chicken tenders. He felt incredulously delighted as Tenderheart poured him a glass of chocolate milk before pouring Grumpy and himself one.

The other two raised their glasses, looking to Theo who did the same.

"To Grumpy and his excellent cooking, I'll definitely be putting my padding to good use after this meal." Tenderheart stated, grinning cheekily at Theo who, although blushing, couldn't help but smile back.

"No worries Tenderheart, I designed them to be able to handle my exquisite cuisine, so don't hesitate to dig in!"

The three clinked their glasses, and did just that, setting into their food accompanied by the gentle patter of rain on the windows of Theo's condo.

Theo had had chicken tenders at pretty much every venue around where he lived, but none of them compared to the delicious texture and saltiness of those prepared by Grumpy. He wondered how he had managed to cook them despite the fact that Theo did not own a deep fryer.

"Stop thinking about it and eat!" Grumpy commented while stuffing his face full of the mac and cheese, giving him a wink. Theo shrugged, deciding that it was a mystery for another time and took a hearty chomp into his chicken.

Tenderheart took a napkin from the tray, and wiped the chocolate milk moustache from his lips delicately.

"Now then, back to business. We'd like you to join our team, Theo, and help us do what we did to you. That is, we'd like you to help us in our mission to express empathy and caring to those who are in need of it."

"Yes, we'd love for you to join us!" Grumpy chimed in, wiping his own milky moustache on his sleeve, grinning at Theo.

Theo hesitated, help others? Like they do? But, I'm not a Care Bear... I'm just...

"But, how could I possibly be of any help to you guys? I'm not even a Care Bear and I don't have a..." he gestured to his chest, referencing the strange devices the two men before him had shown him previously. "Thing..." he finished lamely, placing his plate down a little dejectly onto the coffee table.

"You being a Care Bear is the smallest problem we have to deal with Theo, don't worry about that. You don't have to be a Care Bear to be able to express love and acceptance to other people, you should know that better than anyone seeing how you watched our television show." said Tenderheart, tilting his head at Theo.

Grumpy nodded, and smiled, "Exactly, not to mention, I have a feeling you've already got a bit of a 'bear' in you already."

Theo frowned, a bit of a bear inside me? What on earth does he mean by that? Theo was soon to find out however, as Tenderheart retrieved what looked like a slender smartphone from his pocket. Touching the surface briefly, he moved his arm forward to show Theo what had appeared on the screen.

Theo gasped, and what peered right back at him gasped with him. Looking out at him with the same facial expression as he, a brown, fluffy bear peered back at him through the screen.

Theo's Assent [ABDL/Diapers/CareBears/Fantasy/Human]Where stories live. Discover now