Every night, after spending all day training our Sharingans, we get together and talk.

At least, for about 25 minutes or so, over the course of a card game or two. Afterwards, well. . . we switch to different activities.

Each night we both grow more bold, more confident around each other, learning our limits, our likes, and our dislikes. Without her ever telling me, I can tell she thoroughly enjoys kissing until we're both struggling to breathe.

She always nuzzles into my shoulder afterwards, trying to hide her face. At first, I thought she was ashamed, like she was in the past whenever she kissed me.

But I caught a glimpse of her face the other day and saw no traces of shame.

She was bashful, a new emotion to the both of us.

New for me to see on her, and new for her to have, I'm sure. She was never the shy one. Somehow, knowing that I can evoke that expression out of her makes my chest fill up with this warm, calming feeling.

And all it takes is a smile. Something I used to struggle with, not knowing it was different form a smirk. Now it's as natural as breathing so long as I'm around her.

If I follow it with some mild teasing, she switches back to embarrassed but defending herself with witty comebacks. Those which used to stop me in my tracks, but now another kiss or smile and I win. And she hates it but loves it all at the same time.

Of course, there are things she excels at that stop me in my tracks as well. One being, making me into a complete idiot. I can't think normally around her when we're both in the mood. I start saying the stupidest of things.

Last night when we were making out, I was brazen enough to ask where on her body was off-limits to me. Besides the obvious, of course. She froze and I thought I crossed a line.

I wanted to believe that I wasn't like the other guys my age that got horny and stupid.

Guess not. 

Why on earth did I even speak? I was in the middle of mentally kicking myself as the silence grew longer.

She then pulled away and smiled at me, then asked what part on her body did I want to touch that prompted that question. I couldn't answer her though, I was too embarrassed to speak the truth aloud, which is.. . . everything.

The lewd part of myself I keep hidden wants nothing more than to undress her and memorize the details of her body with my Sharingan.

Every detail. Down to the last beauty mark. It wasn't even about touching, not really.

I just wanted to see her. All of her. And tell her how beautiful every single unique discovery I spot on her is. Watch as her eyes light up with delight as I tell her what I see.

But that sounds perverted, me wanting her naked just so I can stare at her. I could never tell her that.

I was just speechless, my face felt hotter than an active volcano, and every time I tried saying something, I couldn't. I thought she'd tease me for sure as I did to her whenever she got bashful, so I braced for impact. But she didn't. Instead, what she said next shocked me:

"Maybe that question is a little too hard for you. So how about this: where can I touch you, Sasuke?"

And my dumbass responded with a straight face, "Anywhere you want."

I meant it then when I said it, but it's far too early to be saying that sort of thing.

I should've known the moment that I told her that, she'd tell me where she'd set her own boundaries for me, restricting herself. That was the logical, mature thing to do, which I wasn't capable of at the moment. 

Fate Of the Wolf Goddess (Naruto Fanfic x ATLA aspects)Where stories live. Discover now