Month interlude

135 12 2

Jiraiya POV

This boy. . .

"How did you. . .?" I look back and forth from the chasm I threw him in to the grinning boy beside me. "How'd you do that? You were supposed to unleash your red chakra under immense pressure from thinking your life was in danger!"

"Hee hee," Naruto grins, scratching the back of his head with his left arm. In his right hand he holds up a star-shaped kunai. "I used my dad's jutsu! It's super-ULTRA-powerful, and Moriko-nee taught me it. But it's a secret! I only told you 'cuz you're training me. Don't go telling anyone, or I'll out you as a pervert to ALL the bathhouses!"

This little--

" You mean to tell me you think the 2nd Hokage is your father?" I ask him, rolling my eyes. "Cause that's who made the jutsu." His face scrunches up in annoyance, and I patiently wait to see just how much he knows about his actual father.

Does he know that Minato was his father?

He shouldn't.

Not yet anyway. It's too early and he's too inexperienced to deal with any of Minato's enemies he may come across should he announce who he is.

"What?! That old fart isn't my dad! Moriko-nee says he created the jutsu but my dad mastered it. So, it totally counts as my dad's jutsu."

He may be foolish at times, but it seems he does know that his father wasn't the second Hokage. And that the jutsu is borrowed.

He also performed it swiftly and accurately under the assumption that it was a life-or-death situation.

This kid knows his stuff.

"I don't think Lord 2nd would like to hear that. It's his jutsu after all. You should respect the dead."

"Oh!. . . Yeah. . .you're right, dattebayo. My bad! Anyway, my red chakra didn't come out. Your way sucks Percy Sage. Since that didn't work, what else can we try?!" He shouts for the seventeenth time today, and I wince at the loudness of his voice.

Loud and feisty like your mother, I see.

I hold out my hand. "Give me all those Flying Thunder God kunai. I'd like to inspect the seals on them." He nods and starts pulling a bunch out of his pockets, pouches, and even one that was tied to his leg underneath his pants.

Good grief.

How many does he have on him?!

"The seal done on these. . . did you do them yourself?!" I ask, astonished at how well-done they are. Clearly, he's been doing his research on them. Although, the handwriting is a little sloppy, the seal is sound.

"Sure did! Hey, uh. . . you're not gonna tell anyone, are ya? It's really dangerous for me to use them. I was told that my dad has a lot of enemies, so. . ."

"Then why are you using them?" I ask him.

"Cause I gotta get stronger and faster if I'm gonna be Hokage someday! Moriko-nee says my dad was a really strong jonin, that even Old man Hokage worked closely with. So if I'm gonna get strong, I figured I'd start with my dad's stuff and then train even harder than he did. That way I become even stronger than he was! Oh, and about the seals: they're pretty simple to use once Moriko-nee explained them to me. Plus, there were a bunch of seals and stuff in my parents' things. Moriko-nee says heritage is important, so she sat down with me, and we went through them."

Moriko. . . nee?

I was told Kushina bore a single child.

Who is this. . . Moriko? How are they siblings?

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