Konoha Crush Invasion

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Kakashi POV

It's finally begun.

The final part of the chunin exams.

The anbu have been spread out in the crowded arena to protect the lords and wealthy merchants, but it's no way near enough for what's to happen. Moriko did tell us that an attack would happen near one of the gates, although she doesn't know where, so many anbu have been stationed along the wall that surrounds the village.

That's all we can do for now.

We can't depend on her to save ourselves.

We're a village of shinobi. We can handle this without dragging children into it. The time for sending children into wars is long gone.

And it must stay gone.

"Kakashi. . ." Sasuke calls to me, and my focus shifts out of my inner thoughts.


"We should get going. We're going to be late at this rate."

"Well, that's alright. We'll make it in time." The boy looks at me as if I'm speaking in tongues.

"I rather not become like you when it comes to time management skills." Sasuke deadpans, and I pretend to be hurt as we leave the training grounds.

"Why, you wound me Sasuke. . ."

Meanwhile, at the arena. . .

"Moriko-nee, these outfits are so cool!" Naruto praises me as he poses extravagantly in his new chunin outfit I made him.

"It's gorgeous! It feels so grown up too." Sakura chimes in, smiling down at her new accessories on her belt. My heart swells with pride at their praises, and my tail pops out of my form as a result.

"Well thanks guys, I'm glad you like them. Hinata and I worked really hard on them. Make sure you thank her too once she's out the hospital, 'kay?"

"She did?" Naruto's face shifts to one of surprise as I tell him that she spent more time on his outfit than others. "That's so cool! Hinata-chan is. . . really cool for doing this." He mumbles the last part, and his face blushes slightly.

"They look like they're pretty high quality. You and Hinata really made these? That must've taken so long... what a drag." Shikamaru lazily says as we all get ready beneath the arena.

"They're so cute! And yours is gorgeous! No fair, Moriko! We're friends too. Can't you do my outfit next?" Ino pleads with me, and Sakura smirks.

"Sorry, but Moriko works exclusively for her favorite team, Ino-pig!" She sticks her tongue out at Ino, and the young Yamanaka grunts in frustration. I chuckle at their rivalry spat.

"Ino, you told me your mother makes your outfit. She'd be upset if you weren't wearing it anymore, don't cha think? Plus. . . Sakura is kinda right. I was spoiling the team a little. . . I've had designs in my mind for a while now. . ." I scratch the back on my head and smile apologetically.

I didn't realize she'd be upset about this.

Her outfit is really nice just the way it is anyway.

"What a drag. . . come on Ino, let's just go. It doesn't matter who has the fanciest outfit." Shikamaru glances over at Sakura's outfit and mine, then looks away VERY smoothly if I might add, then turns and begins to walk away.

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