Clandestine meeting

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Kakashi POV

"So. . . remind we why we're all here again?" I ask Lady Tsunade.

"Me? What the hell are you talking about? You sent me an urgent letter saying you had to see me immediately. That it was about Naruto!" The Hokage glowers at me and I step back in caution, knowing damn well I didn't send a letter like that.

"I didn't send you a letter, Lady Tsunade. Someone is messing with us."

"Hmm. . . I see. . ." She mumbles to herself and looks around for the first time since arriving. I received a letter from Tsunade to meet at Naruto's residence regarding some pertinent information about his health and how to proceed with training. It's currently 5AM. Naruto's fast asleep in his room. It's the first place I checked once I got here. 

He seems fine. We were training yesterday, and things were picking up pretty fast.

He seemed to know exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned chakra form and chakra nature. Not only that, but he already knew what his chakra nature was: wind. That's rare around here.

It's been two weeks of hardcore training, and he's already progressed a lot faster than anticipated.

I wonder if Moriko had something to do with it.

A knock comes at the front door before Choji sildes it open.

Wait, Choji?

"Uh. . . hello? Lady Tsunade! So you're here! We were looking for you! We got an urgent summons saying----"

"Let me guess. Meet here at Naruto's place at 5:05 AM? Yeah, we got it too." The Senju sighs heavily, waving her letter in the air. "But I didn't send it to you. We've all been lured here."

The rest of Team Asuma comes in, with Asuma himself heading the back. He closes the door shut behind him, and they all congregate with us at the table in the living room.

"What a drag. It's so early too. . ."

"This place is surprisingly. . . clean. . ." Shizune mumbles, caressing Tonton.

"Moriko, probably. She cleans up after Naruto like a mother. It's kinda weird to be honest. She won't go in his room though. Leaves that up to him."

"How do you know all of this?" Tsunade asks him. The Nara shrugs.

"I've been coming here for years. Me, Choji, Kiba, and Shino. Recently, Lee and even Neji have joined us. We do guys' night here and play games and stuff."

Choji nods in agreement as he comes to sit at the table with the rest of us. "Yeah, and it's only ever clean if one of three girls have been here: Sakura, Hinata, or Moriko."

"Hey! What about me?! You saying Naruto wouldn't clean up if I came over?" Ino says, clearly offended.

"No. He wouldn't. Because you don't come here, Ino." Shikamaru deadpans.


"Alright enough! I'm about to wake the #1 knucklehead ninja up. He should know better than to prank us all at a time like this." Tsunade gets up and marches towards the backroom. Tonton starts shivering and quaking in fear, putting us all on high alert.

What's she afraid of?

"Oh good! You're all here. I was afraid Team 10 was sent out already. Now we can talk." A familiar voice says to us, but I can't place where it's coming from.

Fate Of the Wolf Goddess (Naruto Fanfic x ATLA aspects)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ