Land of Waves Mission: The Demon of the Mist

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"But I have to come! Please Kakashi! I'll be good, I'm sorry!" I find myself whining in my current state and decide to jump out of Sakura's arms, down to the ground. I shift to human and look up at the ex-anbu.

"What was that back there? You leaked your killing intent on that man. Naruto was inappropriate as well, but not to that extent. Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked suspiciously. We've stopped walking, Kakashi and I, as he had the rest of the team head to the gate with Tazuna.

"I. . .he. . ." I trailed off.

What can I even say?

Saying it was to scare him will definitely get me kicked off this mission.

Actually. . . why did I take it that far?

Just one shriek would've been enough, but instead I. . .

". . . He smelled like. . . someone I have bad memories of. He was rude, and I just lost my cool. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I say after a moment of silence.

"The island?"

"Yes. The island."

I hate it when I have to talk about my time on the island. Anytime I have to allude to it, they catch on, and an awkward silence ensues. I'd rather talk about my happy memories with my family, or tell them about stories I've read, act out my favorite movies, sing, dance, anything.

But I can't avoid it forever I suppose.

I know I have to deal with it in a productive way somehow, instead of stuffing it down, but I can't help it. Stuffing it away is an easy and quick fix.

And Kakashi seems to push for me to talk about it with him. I don't mind telling him about a few things, but I feel exhausted after our talks as I try and hold off the memories from resurfacing.

The silver-haired man sighs and kneels down so we are at eye level.

"I need to know that you're ready for this mission. It's been a while since you've been outside the village and---"

"I can control my animalistic urges. I'm part human, remember? I'm not all instincts and aggression. I'm sorry. My momma bear instincts kicked in when he insulted the team, that's all."

"That's the problem. If and when we encounter trouble on this journey, they must be able to fend for themselves and protect the client. You know what's going to happen today, don't you?"

Can't hide it from him either.

". . .Some things, but not everything. I WON'T interfere, but I need to be there. At least on the sidelines. To observe."

"You can observe here, from inside the village where it's safe. You have the ability to watch from here?" Kakashi asks me and I nod solemnly.

"Maybe I should stay here." I give in reluctantly. Kakashi nods, and we resume our walk to the gate.

"Haha, alright! First journey outside the village!" Naruto shouts with glee, looking left and right into the woods up ahead.

"This runt and his two ninja pals are supposed to protect me?" Tazuna grunts in irritation. "Hey Mr. Jonin, you and the ninken are enough, right? As long as you two are coming, I guess I won't have much else to complain about."

Kakashi cringes before scratching the back of his head. "Haha, of course. And I can assure you that this team is more than capable of protecting you on your journey."

Tazuna looks around confusedly. "Where's the d---I mean, the ninken wolf?" He looks at me and narrows his eyes. "Another brat? Strange.  .  . .eyes. Well, I'm not leaving without the ninken. Scared me half to death, but it seemed more capable than half of your little team here."

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