Land of Waves Mission: Part Three

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There's someone else hiding, stay alert after this battle. . .

The coded words of Moriko stay on repeat in my head as I stand in front of Tazuna, kunais drawn and at the ready. Sasuke and Naruto have moved into position with me. The Manji formation:

"Who is this guy?" Naruto asks Kakashi-sensei

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"Who is this guy?" Naruto asks Kakashi-sensei.

"Zabuza Momochi, a former Hidden Mist ninja. Ex-leader of the assassination unit from there as well." Kakashi-sensei tells us, eyes trained on the shinobi in front of him.

"Former nin? Ex-leader? He's. . . he's a rogue ninja." I whisper in shock.

"Enough talk." Zabuza snaps, and he disappears.

"Whoa! Where'd he go?" Naruto says, flabbergasted.

"Stay in the formation." Sasuke warns.

"Over there! On the water!" I locate Zabuza and point him out.

We need to keep tabs on him.

"On the. . . water. . ." Sasuke trails off. "He's standing on the water. . ."

Moriko growls as our sight becomes clouded.

"Hidden Mist jutsu..."

The fog rolls in, seemingly from nowhere, and I can no longer see Moriko or Kakashi sensei in front of us.

This is bad.

I barely brought up the rock shield in time for the last pair of shinobi who attacked us.

And it wasn't strong enough. I didn't gather enough chakra.

If I can't see. . .

"Which will be my kill point today. . ."

A feeling of dread washes over me as Zabuza and Kakashi's killing intent flood the area. The fog clears as Sasuke and I watch Sensei unleash his killing intent.

I can't move. . .

Moriko's growls enter my eardrums, and I feel her killing intent as well. Because hers is somewhat familiar, I home in on it, finding the strength to calm down. Sasuke however, is shaking uncontrollably.

"Calm down! No comrades of mine are dying today." Kakashi-sensei calls out to us, and Sasuke stops his shivering and shaking. Moriko snarls at Sasuke, and I follow her gaze to see that he's pointed his kunai toward himself.

"Focus on Moriko's." I whisper to Sasuke. "It feels different, but it helps me." I offer him, but he doesn't meet my eyes.

Assuming he's embarrassed that I saw the kunai, the only acknowledgement I get that he heard me is a grunt as he changes the kunai's direction. I glance over at Naruto and am surprised to see that he's doing okay with handling the killing intent. His eyes remain focused on surveying the area in front of him for danger.

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