27. Jungkook is Kidnapped

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A week later-

In an unusually unserious turn of events, the Jeon mansion found itself in the midst of what could only be described as a comically chaotic situation – the apparent "kidnapping" of Jungkook.

It all began one sunny morning when Y/N entered the living room with a tray of breakfast, only to find Mr Jeon pacing the room with an exaggerated look of concern on his face.

Mr. Jeon: (Panicked) "Y/N, I can't find Jungkook anywhere! He's been kidnapped!"

Y/N couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, her expression one of surprise.

Y/N: (Dramatic) "Kidnapped? How on earth did that happen?"

Mrs. Jeon, entering the scene with an equally dramatic flair, added to the theatrics.

Mrs. Jeon: (Exaggerated) "Oh, it's terrible! I found his left sock in the laundry room, but his right sock is missing! This is a clear sign of foul play!"

As if on cue, the BTS members, led by J-Hope, came rushing into the room with their contributions to the unfolding drama.

J-Hope: (Dramatic) "We must form a rescue team! I've got the orange capes ready!"

Namjoon: (Contemplative) "Perhaps this is a symbolic act, representing the duality of human existence."

Jin: (Hungry) "Is this going to delay breakfast? I'm famished!"

The group scattered through the mansion, searching for "clues" and "evidence" of Jungkook's supposed kidnapping. There were random socks, an overturned potted plant, and even a banana peel, all interpreted as signs of foul play.

Mr Jeon, determined to keep the farce going, made a series of fake emergency calls, pretending to negotiate with the "kidnappers."

Mr. Jeon: (On the phone) "Yes, I'll give you a lifetime supply of oranges and... what? You want Jungkook's collection of funny hats too?"

Y/N, who had decided to play along, couldn't help but roll her eyes at the absurdity of it all.

Just as the situation was reaching its peak of absurdity, Jungkook dramatically burst into the room, dressed in a cape made from an orange bedsheet, and an assortment of funny hats piled on his head.

Jungkook: (Flourishing) "Fear not, my loyal subjects! I have returned from my treacherous ordeal of sock-stealing and banana-peel-avoiding!"

The entire room erupted into laughter, and any remaining tension from the earlier conversation was instantly lifted.

Y/N: (Teasing) "So, you were never kidnapped?"

Jungkook: (Grinning) "Nope, just needed a dramatic entrance!"

The day continued in a lighthearted and playful fashion, filled with laughter.

Author's pov

This chapter explains the events of one week later where Mr Jeon has now accepted y/n with the whole heart and turns out that her Wattpad fantasies are now affecting the family too everyone joins in dramas and pranks each other and the bond has just grown strong between mr jeon and Jungkook.