12. Fake Sleep Practice

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Back in the car after dinner:

Jungkook: (Fuming) "Y/N, I can't believe my father wants me to marry Park Mi Rae. I can't stand her!"

Y/N: (Pouting) "Oh, Jungkook, don't let it get to you. This is just like when the brooding mafia boss pushes away the love of his life for a misunderstanding."

Jungkook: (Raises an eyebrow) "You're comparing our situation to a Wattpad story?"

Y/N: (Nods earnestly) "Of course! It's all about the drama, right? But remember, in those stories, love always triumphs over arranged marriages."

Jungkook: (Sighs) "Y/N, this is real life, not a Wattpad fantasy."

Y/N: (Holding his hand) "I know, but maybe we can make our own story. A story where love conquers all."

Jungkook: (Smirking) "You're determined to bring your delusions into this, aren't you?"

Y/N: (Giggles) "Absolutely! So, let's brainstorm a plan. How can we convince your father that we're meant to be together?"

Jungkook: (Thinking) "Well, for starters, we can spend more time together, make him see how happy we are."

Y/N: (Excitedly) "That's the spirit, kook! And then, during a dramatic showdown, you can declare your love for me in front of him!"

Jungkook: (Smiling) "A dramatic showdown, huh? You really can't resist, can you?"

Y/N: "Of course not! It's in my DNA."

Jungkook's Laughter Fills the car:

Jungkook: (Chuckling) "Alright, Y/N, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Let's see if we can make our love story a reality, even if it's not as dramatic as the ones you love."

Y/N: (Beaming) "That's the spirit! Our love story will be the best, even without vampires and secret spies."


Back in the mansion:

In Jungkook's Room:

Y/N: (Entering Jungkook's room confidently) "Jungkook, it's time for our fake sleep practice!"

Jungkook: (Startled) "Wait, what? Fake sleep practice?"

Y/N: (Nods seriously) "Yes! We need to make it look convincing when we share a room in front of your parents. It's all about the details, you know."

Jungkook: (Sighs) "Y/N, we don't need to practice sleeping together."

Y/N: (Determined) "But Jungkook, in all the best mafia romance stories, the couple always practices sleeping together. It's an important moment in their relationship!"

Jungkook: (Resigned) "Y/N, you're impossible."

Y/N's Enthusiastic Preparation:

Y/N: (Excitedly arranging the pillows) "Okay, Jungkook, we need to create the perfect 'fake sleep' scenario. I've read about this countless times."

Jungkook: (Watching in disbelief) "You're serious about this, aren't you?"

Y/N: (With a mischievous smile) "Absolutely! Now, should I be the big spoon or the little spoon?"

Jungkook: (Rolls eyes) "You choose. It's your practice."
Y/N: (Settling into the bed) "Jungkook, at this moment, we should exchange deep, heartfelt confessions. It's the perfect opportunity for our characters to connect on a profound level."

Jungkook: (Playfully) "Alright, Y/N. I confess... that this is the most absurd thing we've ever done."

Y/N: (Sighs dramatically) "Perfect! Just like in the stories."


The Unexpected Morning After:

The next morning, the sun peeked through the curtains, gently illuminating Jungkook's room. Y/N stirred in her sleep, her head resting on Jungkook's shoulder, their arms entangled.

Jungkook: (Blinking in surprise) "Wait... Y/N, did we fall asleep?"

Y/N slowly woke up, her eyes fluttering open

Y/N: (Groaning) "Oh my gosh, we fell asleep while practising fake sleeping together?"

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh

Jungkook: (Chuckling) "Looks like our 'fake sleep practice' was a bit too effective."

*Y/N blushed and tried to untangle herself from Jungkook, but their proximity made it a comical struggle.*

Y/N: (Laughing nervously) "Um, I guess we nailed the 'convincing' part."

Jungkook gently brushed a strand of hair away from Y/N's face, his laughter fading into a warm smile.

Just as Jungkook and Y/N were sharing a tender moment, Jungkook's father, Mr. Jeon, and his close friend, Jimin, entered the room, their expressions a mixture of shock and disbelief.

Mr. Jeon: (Stammering) "Jungkook, Y/N, what is going on here?"

Jimin: (Wide-eyed) "Did we just interrupt something... personal?"

Jungkook and Y/N scrambled to sit up, their faces turning various shades of red.

Jungkook: (Nervously) "Dad, Jimin, it's not what it looks like! We were just..."

Y/N: (Stammering) "Sleeping together, you see,"

Mr. Jeon and Jimin exchanged a bewildered glance, trying to process the explanation.

Mr. Jeon: Jungkook come downstairs I need to talk to you. (And left from there).

Jimin: (Smirking) "How was the night guys must be still tired I guess?" (And quickly ran away from there before Jungkook could say something)

Jungkook and Y/N exchanged an embarrassed look.

Jungkook: I should get ready.

Y/N: (Nods rapidly) "Yes, yes".

To be continued...