11. Prepping for the Big Meeting

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Getting Ready for the Visit:

Y/N: (Excitedly rummaging through her wardrobe) "Jungkook, what should I wear to meet your parents? Should I go for the 'innocent girl next door' or the 'mysterious temptress' look?"

Jungkook: (Chuckles) "Y/N, just be yourself. And please, not the 'mysterious temptress.' We're trying to convince them you're not delusional."

Y/N: (Pouting) "But drama is my middle name, remember?"

Jungkook: (Rolls eyes) "Yes, yes, drama queen. I get it."


Y/N: (Holding up a dress) "What about this one? It screams 'I'm here to steal your son's heart

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Y/N: (Holding up a dress) "What about this one? It screams 'I'm here to steal your son's heart.'"

Jungkook: (Deadpan) "It screams 'I'm here to make your dad disown you.'"

Y/N: (Laughing) "You've got a point. Okay, maybe something a bit more conservative."

Jungkook's Patience Tested-

Y/N: (Excitedly) "And then, in my favorite Wattpad story, the mafia leader's lover turns out to be a secret spy!"

Jungkook: (Sighs) "Y/N, we're not in a Wattpad story. Real life is not that dramatic."

Y/N: (Pouting) "You're no fun, Jungkook."

Jungkook: (Smirking) "I'm fun when I'm not trying to convince my parents that my girlfriend isn't a spy or a vampire."

Y/N's Makeup Mishap:

Y/N: (Applying makeup with exaggerated seriousness) "Do I look presentable, Jungkook?"

Jungkook: (Chuckles) "You look beautiful, as always."

Y/N: (Gasping dramatically) "You called me beautiful! I must be the luckiest girl in the mafia world."

Jungkook: (Facepalms) "Sometimes, Y/N, you take this 'fake lover' role a bit too far."

Jungkook's Patience Continues to Be Tested:

Y/N: (Holding up two pairs of shoes) "Jungkook, should I go for the 'innocent ballet flats' or the 'sultry stilettos'?"

Jungkook: (Rubs temples) "Y/N, we're going to a family dinner, not a fashion show."

Y/N: "But what if your mom secretly judges me based on my shoe choice?"

Jungkook: (Laughs) "Trust me, she won't."

Y/N: (Spritzing perfume excessively) "How do I smell, Jungkook? Enchanting, right?"

Jungkook: (Coughs dramatically) "I think you just summoned a perfume genie."

Y/N: (Giggling) "Oops, maybe I went a bit overboard."

Jungkook's Exasperation Peaks:

Y/N: (Trying different hairstyles) "Should I go for the 'elegant updo' or the 'wild and free' look?"

Jungkook: (Seriously) "How about the 'let's not be late because we're still deciding on hairstyles' look?"

Y/N: (Sheepish) "Okay, point taken. I'll go with the updo."

Jungkook's Final Straw:

Y/N: (Excitedly) "Jungkook, I've been practicing my 'impressed by the mansion' gasp for hours!"

Jungkook: (Deadpan) "Y/N, if you gasp any louder, the whole neighborhood will hear."

Y/N: (Giggling) "I promise to keep it subtle, just for you."

On the Way to the Dinner:

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On the Way to the Dinner:

Y/N: (Excitedly) "Jungkook, I've prepared a list of dramatic scenarios in case we need to escape any awkward conversations."

Jungkook: (Smirking) "And what's your top choice for an 'awkward dinner exit' scenario?"

Y/N: "The classic 'I accidentally spilled my drink all over myself, and we must rush home immediately' move."

Jungkook: "Ah, the timeless classic. Let's hope we won't need it."

Arrival at the Mansion:

Y/N: (In awe) "Jungkook, your parents' mansion is even more grand than I imagined!"

Jungkook: (Whispering) "Remember, Y/N, less drama, more subtlety."

Y/N: (Nods) "Right, right. Subtlety it is."


Meeting the Parents:

Introduction to Jungkook's Parents:

Jungkook: (Nervously) "Y/N, this is my father, Mr. Jeon, and my mother, Mrs. Jeon."

Y/N: (Smiling warmly) "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Mr. Jeon: (Studying Y/N) "Likewise, Y/N. Jungkook has told us so much about you."

Mrs. Jeon: (Curious) "Yes, we've been looking forward to meeting you, dear."

Mr. Jeon: (Turning to Jungkook) "Son, I must admit, I have concerns about your relationship with Y/N."

Jungkook: (Tensed) "Dad, I love her. She's amazing."

Mr. Jeon: "But Jungkook, have you considered Park Mi Rae, our friend's daughter? She's from a respected mafia family, and it would be a more suitable match."

Jungkook: (Frustrated) "Dad, I won't marry someone I don't love. Y/N is the one I want to be with."

Y/N: (Supportive) "Jungkook's right. Love is what truly matters."

Mr. Jeon: (Growing angrier) "You're both being foolish! This is about the future of our family empire."

Mrs. Jeon: (Soothingly) "Let's not argue, please. We can find a compromise."

Jungkook: (Resolute) "Mom, I won't compromise on my happiness."

Y/N: (Determined) "We'll find a way to make this work, together."

Mr. Jeon: (Storming away) "I won't accept this, Jungkook. You're making a grave mistake."

Tensions rise as Jungkook and his father clash over their differing views on love and family expectations, leaving Y/N caught in the middle of a complex family dispute.

To be continued....

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