20. Mi Rae's Sudden Arrival

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With the kitchen now resembling a flour battlefield and everyone in high spirits, they decided to sit down together to enjoy the messy but undoubtedly delicious meal that Jin and Y/N had prepared.

As they dug into the dishes, laughter filled the dining room. Stories and jokes were exchanged, turning what had initially been a serious morning into a heartwarming gathering of friends.

J-Hope: (Mouth full) "Jin, Y/N, this is amazing! Who would've thought chaos in the kitchen would lead to such a delicious meal?"

Jimin nodded in agreement, his mouth too full to speak.

Taehyung: (Excited) "I vote for more kitchen adventures like this in the future!"

Jungkook, who had been weighed down by worries earlier, found himself relaxing in the company of his friends. He smiled as he realized that moments like these were what made their unconventional lives so special.

Suga, ever the calm and collected one, chimed in with a dry comment.

Suga: (Teasing) "Well, if we ever run out of flour, we know where to find some."

The group erupted into laughter at Suga's wit.

Namjoon raised his glass in a toast, capturing the essence of the moment.

Namjoon: (Smiling) "To unexpected adventures and friends who turn chaos into laughter."

With glasses clinking, they all joined in the toast, celebrating the unique bond that had been formed through their shared experiences.

In that messy, flour-covered dining room, they found a sense of warmth and unity that reminded them that no matter the challenges they faced, they would always have each other to lean on.

Their mafia-inspired adventure was far from over, but for now, they savoured the joy of friendship and the taste of a delicious, chaotic meal until...


Mi Rae's Sudden Arrival

Just as the group was enjoying their meal and the atmosphere was filled with laughter, the peace was shattered by the sudden arrival of Mi Rae at the Jeon mansion. She walked in with an air of entitlement, her gaze sweeping across the room as if she owned it.

Mi Rae: (Condescending) "Well, well, what do we have here? A little gathering of Jungkook's playmates?"

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at her, surprise and irritation clear on their faces.

Jungkook's jaw clenched as he tried to maintain his composure. Mi Rae's arrival was not what he had expected, and he was well aware of the tension she brought with her.

Mi Rae's gaze fell on Y/N, who sat quietly, her cheerful demeanour from earlier now replaced by uncertainty. Mi Rae's eyes narrowed as she seemed to hone in on her target.

Mi Rae: (Smirking) "Oh, and who's this? Jungkook's little... what's the word? Pet?"

The room was filled with a shocked silence as everyone exchanged glances. Mi Rae's words were not only rude but also completely unexpected.

Jimin: (Furious) "Hey, you can't just walk in here and insult someone like that"

Taehyung: (Angry) "Yeah, show some respect, Mi Rae."

J-Hope: (Livid) "We were having a good time before you barged in here with your attitude!"

Namjoon: (Stern) "Mi Rae, this is not how you should behave as a guest."

Suga: (Blunt) "You're not making a good first impression."

Jin: (Calmly) "Let's try to keep the peace here."

Mi Rae ignored their protests and continued her tirade, her gaze still fixed on Y/N.

Mi Rae: (Mocking) "Honestly, Jungkook, is this what you've settled for? I mean, I've seen better-looking waitresses at the cafe near my villa. What do you even see in her?"

Y/N, who had been silent until now, felt her confidence crumbling under Mi Rae's cruel words. She tried to hide her hurt, but it was clear that Mi Rae's comments had deeply affected her.

Jungkook's fists clenched as he struggled to contain his anger. He couldn't stand to see Y/N being humiliated like this, especially in front of his friends.

Jimin: (Furious) "That's enough! You have no right to talk to Y/N like that!"

Taehyung: (Demanding) "Apologize to Y/N right now!"

J-Hope: (Scolding) "You're way out of line, Mi Rae!"

Namjoon: (Warning) "You're pushing it, Mi Rae. Apologize and show some respect."

Suga: (Blunt) "You don't belong here if you're going to be this rude."

Jin: (Assertive) "We won't tolerate such behaviour in this house. Apologize immediately."

Mi Rae: (Smirking) "Why should I apologize to someone like her? It's not my fault she's so... ordinary."

Jungkook: (Furious) "Mi Rae, that's enough! You may be my father's guest, but that doesn't give you the right to insult anyone here, especially Y/N. Apologize now, or you can leave this house."

The room was filled with tension as everyone awaited Mi Rae's response...

To be continued...