16. Parents Return Home

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Y/n and Sky's Parents Return Home:

Sky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, had just returned home from their business trip. They were greeted by their daughter, Sky, who was excited to see them after their long absence.

Sky: (Hugging her parents) "Mom, Dad, you're finally back! I missed you so much!"

Mr. Kim: (Holding Sky tightly) "We missed you too, sweetheart. It feels great to be home."

Mrs. Kim: (Smiling) "How have you been, Sky and where is y/n? We're sorry we couldn't stay in touch much during the trip; there were so many network issues."

Sky: (Nervous) "Well, you see, something... unexpected happened while you were away."

Mr. Kim: (Concerned) "What happened, Sky? Is everything okay?"

Sky: (Taking a deep breath) "I... I don't know how to say this, but Y/N got kidnapped by the mafia boss, Jeon Jungkook."

Sky's parents exchanged a bewildered look, struggling to process the shocking news.

Mrs. Kim: (Stammering) "Wait, what? Our Y/N got kidnapped by a mafia boss?"

Mr. Kim: (Worried) "Is this some kind of joke, Sky?"

Sky: (Nervously chuckling) "I wish it was a joke, but it's not. You know how Y/N is obsessed with Wattpad stories, right? Well, it seems she somehow ended up in her mafia romance."

*Mr. and Mrs Kim exchanged incredulous glances, their confusion growing.*

Mr. Kim: (Puzzled) "So, you're saying Y/N willingly went along with this 'kidnapping'?"

Sky: (Nods) "Yes, Dad. She's convinced she's the heroine of her own dramatic mafia story. She even talks about 'convincing' the mafia boss and practising dramatic scenarios."

Mrs. Kim: (Baffled) "This is the most bizarre thing I've ever heard."

Sky: (Chuckling) "Tell me about it. But don't worry too much. Y/N is headstrong, and she seems to be having a good time living out her Wattpad fantasies."

Mr. Kim: (Reluctantly amused) "Well, I suppose if she's happy..."

Mrs. Kim: (Smiling) "It's certainly an unexpected twist in her life."

Sky's parents, still trying to process the situation, couldn't resist their curiosity.

Mr. Kim: (Raised eyebrow) "So, tell us more about this 'mafia boss' and how Y/N ended up with him."

Sky: (Grinning) "Oh, it's quite a story, Dad. Y/N was kidnapped to be his fake lover.

Mrs. Kim: (Laughing) "And did she succeed?"

Sky: (Giggling) "Not yet, but she's determined. She even practices things like 'fake sleeping together' for added drama."

Sky's parents couldn't help but find the whole situation absurdly entertaining.

Mr. Kim: (Amused) "Fake sleeping together, you say? Sounds like something straight out of a Wattpad story."

Mrs Kim: (Teasing) "Well, I hope she's at least enjoying her 'kidnapping' adventure."

Sky: (Chuckling) "She seems to be having the time of her life. And she's convinced it's all for the sake of romance."

Despite their amusement, Sky's parents couldn't help but wonder about Y/N's unusual mindset.

Mr. Kim: (Thoughtful) "Does she realize this is a potentially dangerous situation?"

Sky: (Sighs) "I've tried to tell her, but she's so wrapped up in her dramatic fantasy that I don't think she fully comprehends the risks."

Mrs Kim: (Concerned) "We'll have to talk to her as soon as possible and make sure she's safe."

Mr. Kim: (Smiling) "Well, I never thought I'd say this, but it seems like Y/N has turned our lives into a real-life comedy."

Mrs. Kim: (Chuckling) "And here I thought business trips were supposed to be uneventful."

As they shared laughter and discussed their plan to ensure Y/N's safety, the Kim family found themselves bonding over the unpredictable and comical nature of Y/N's escapade, embracing the unexpected twist in their lives.

To be continued...