24. The Dance of Hearts

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As the party continued, Mr. Jeon, the head of the Jeon mafia, took the stage to make a significant announcement. The room hushed as all eyes turned to him.

Mr. Jeon: (Authoritative) "Ladies and gentlemen, I have an important announcement to make. The time has come for Jungkook to assume his rightful position, and to solidify our alliance with our dear friend, Mr. Park."

The announcement sent shockwaves through the room. The BTS mafia members, including Jungkook, were taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

Y/N, too, couldn't hide her concern. She had grown close to the BTS members, and the idea of Jungkook being married to Mi Rae created a sense of unease.

Jimin couldn't hide his grimace, and he exchanged a worried glance with Taehyung.

Jimin: (Whispering) "This is going to be a mess."

Namjoon: (Analyzing) "We need to figure out a way to navigate this situation. It won't be easy."

Suga: (Calm) "Let's not jump to conclusions. We'll find a way to handle this."

Jin: (Reassuring) "We'll face this together, as a family."


With Mr. Jeon's announcement, Mi Rae couldn't hide her happiness and delight. She had succeeded in getting closer to her goal—marrying Jungkook and securing her position within the mafia world.

Mi Rae: (Clingy) "Oh, Jungkook, this is such wonderful news! I can't wait to be your wife."

Her words and actions only added to the tension in the room, especially for Y/N and the BTS members who watched as Mi Rae tightened her grip on Jungkook.

As Mi Rae became increasingly clingy, Jungkook began to feel the weight of the situation and her ambitions. He had been dealing with his own internal conflicts, and her overbearing behavior was pushing him to his limits.

With a sudden, firm push, Jungkook distanced himself from Mi Rae, leaving no room for confusion.

Jungkook: (Assertive) "Mi Rae, we need to talk."

In a private room away from the prying eyes of the party, Jungkook attempted to have a frank conversation with Mi Rae. He knew that he had to be clear about his feelings and intentions.

Jungkook: (Resolute) "Mi Rae, I can't marry you. I like y/n and i want to be with her please understand i don't want to be disrespectful with you but i don't love you and i can't be in a forceful relationship because than neither of us will be happy."

Mi Rae: (Determined) "Jungkook, I'll do whatever it takes to make you mine. You'll change your mind,you'll see."

Jungkook: (Annoyed) "Mi Rae, you're not listening. My heart is with someone else. I can't change that."

Mi Rae: (Emotional) "Jungkook, please, just give me a chance. I can make you happy, I promise."


Meanwhile, back at the party, Jimin and the BTS mafia members couldn't help but worry about how this conversation would unfold. They knew that Jungkook's happiness hung in the balance.

Jimin: (Worried) "I hope Jungkook can handle this. It's not going to be easy."

Namjoon: (Thoughtful) "We'll need to support Jungkook through this, no matter how it turns out."


As Jungkook and Mi Rae's conversation reached a tense point, the door suddenly burst open, and in walked Y/N with a flair for dramatics.

Y/N: (Dramatic) "Well, well, well! What's all this drama, my lovelies? I see I've walked into a telenovela!"

Y/N's sassy and theatrical entrance left both Jungkook and Mi Rae momentarily stunned.

Y/N: (Bold) "Oh, and by the way, Jungkook is mine! Yes, mine, as claimed in Chapter 7 of 'The Mafia's Unlikely Love.' You can't argue with Wattpad, darling."

Mi Rae: (Stammering) "What is she...? This can't be..."

Jungkook: (Speechless) "Y/N, what are you doing?"

Jimin: (Grinning) "Leave it to Y/N to turn this into a story straight out of her Wattpad tales."

Y/N: (Dramatic) "Darlings, you see, life imitates art, and my Wattpad stories have taught me that love triangles make everything more exciting! So, here I am, adding a dash of drama to the real world."

Mi Rae: (Annoyed) "This isn't a story, Y/N! I won't just step aside because of your drama."

Jungkook: (Conflicted) "Can we please just have a rational conversation here?"

Taehyung: (Playful) "I'm here for the drama! Pass the popcorn, please."

Y/N: (Smirking) "Well, let's settle this like they do in my stories, shall we? A series of dramatic and heart-pounding challenges to win Jungkook's heart!"

Mi Rae: (Baffled) "Challenges? Is this for real?"

Jungkook, caught between the two spirited women, wasn't sure how to react to the proposal.

Jungkook: (Puzzled) "What are you suggesting, Y/N?"

Jimin: (Playful) "I say we give it a try! Let's see who wins the heart of our Jungkook."

Y/N: (Dramatic) "Challenge number one: 'The Dance of Hearts.' Each of us will have a dance-off with Jungkook, and he'll choose the most captivating partner!"

Mi Rae, not one to back down from a challenge, accepted with a competitive gleam in her eye.

Mi Rae: (Competitive) "Challenge accepted, Y/N."

Jungkook: (Smiling) "Alright, let's see who has the most captivating dance moves."

Taehyung: (Teasing) "This is better than reality TV. I love it!"

The room had transformed into a stage for a unique competition, where Y/N and Mi Rae would go head-to-head in a dance-off for Jungkook's heart. It was a scenario straight out of Y/N's Wattpad stories, brought to life in the most unexpected way.

To be continued...