3. kidnapped!!!

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-one week later

''Finally, tomorrow is Sunday I am so tired this week was so hectic'' I said dropping myself on the couch after coming back home from college.

''yep, this week sucked there was so much homework ah when will I graduate from high school ''Sky spoke.

''hey let's go shopping tomorrow after all we should appreciate ourselves, what do you say ?'' sky asked.

''appreciate ourselves for what huh?''.I asked

''for being good kids and not creating any problems''.she said.

''well, yep we should but don't disturb me till tomorrow''.I said and made my way towards my room.


-next day

11:30 am

''come on let's go''.sky yelled from downstairs.

''done'' you said walking downstairs.

''done'' you said walking downstairs

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(your outfit)

(sky's outfit)      (you can imagine your outfits if you don't like my taste not everyone has the same taste)

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(sky's outfit) (you can imagine your outfits if you don't like my taste not everyone has the same taste).

you booked the cab as it reached your door you locked your house and went inside the car.


at mall

you both reached the mall and started roaming here and there in search of stuff.

''let's go to the 6th floor it says sale'' Sky says and you go towards the stairs.

'' let's wait for the lift please I won't take the stairs to the 6th floor "Sky spoke again

''I don't trust lifts so let's take stairs''. you speak.

''no no no please ok I will buy you icecream''.she whines like a baby.

''fine,'' you say and follow her towards the lift as ice cream is your weakness.

you both stand inside the lift and press the button for the 6th floor.

suddenly the elevator stops and the lights start to flicker you both look at each other faces as you two were the only ones inside.

''oh my god I don't want to die today I didn't even have my first kiss, yes I know I only deserve to go to hell because I have read a lot of smut that doesn't mean you will take my life so early ''. you said in one go and then Sky spoke ''It's okay everything will be alright we are not going to die don't blame yourself''

''I am not blaming myself! I am blaming you!'' you yell at her.

and then we both hear voices from outside ''please don't be worried mam we will get you out''.

they were trying to open the door.

as we were stuck in the middle so after opening the door they will have to lift us to get us out of here.

the door opened and I saw a handsome man

''give me ur hand'' he spoke with his deep voice

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''give me ur hand'' he spoke with his deep voice.

''what no'' I said scared of how he would lift me I'm not that light-weight.

''Look I'm not trying to asking your hand for marriage, I 'm trying to save your life!'' he said with a calm voice.

''ok'' I said and gave my hand to him and he pulled me out without any effort (am I that lightweight?) I thought in my mind.

''thanks'' I say standing up and passing a smile to him which he passes back.

''well if you guys are done then please help me too" sky spoke.

''Oh yeah sorry''. he said and helped her to get out.

then we thanked him and all the staff who helped us and went away.


2:03 pm

we were almost done with the shopping and we were buying ice cream but I got a sudden urge to use the restroom so I told Sky.

''sky wait here I need to use the restroom I will be back''

''ok be back soon you know you can't trust me, especially with ice cream, "Sky spoke.

''bish don't you dare''. I said and made my way towards the restroom.


in the restroom

I was in my world washing my hands in the wash basin suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see and saw the guys who helped us to get out of the elevator standing there.

''hi''. he spoke.

''hi''.I replied and continued to wash my hands.

wait a minute what is he doing in a girl's restroom I thought and I turned around to say something but suddenly he pressed a rag to my face before I could do something I felt dizzy and my eyelids felt heavy and I blacked out.

to be continued...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote.

MY WATTPAD-OBSESSED GIRLFRIEND JJK/READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora